Greenpoint is for Lovers

August 14, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City 

Greenpoint is for Lovers

A week ago I strolled down to the northern terminus of Manhattan Avenue to see how the new park is coming along.

Manhattan Avenue Park Facing East

Although you cannot tell from this photo, it looks pretty close to completion. I am really jazzed about this park. I can hardly wait to hang out there and check out the scenic views of Manhattan, Newtown Creek and lest we forget…

Manhattan Avenue Park

I have often cast my gaze across the fragrant thoroughfare that is Newtown Creek and asked myself:

I wonder what those Long Island City slickers think of us humble Greenpointers?

Well today I got my answer courtesy of’s Online Forum. They think we’re HOT!

“BrandonZ” raves:

If I can just be completely frank… Seriously, I walk over the Pulaski and there are attractive, stylish young women everywhere. I mean, everywhere. It kills me.

Hardly ever on this side of the Creek. What gives? I suppose there’s hardly anyone in general on this side of the Creek, comparatively, so maybe there’s my answer.

The price I pay to be contrarian (and have more transit access) and live in Queens…

Aw shucks Brandon, you just made me blush! I’ll be sure to blow kisses at you as I’m pick-a-nicking and swilling Cabernet at my new park.


Miss Heather


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