April 1, 2009 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Recession 

(Or, Are You And A Significant Other Looking For A Little Extra Cash?)

One question I am asked quite frequently about my junk daze is as follows:

How do you do it?

As you can probably intuit from the video gracing the beginning of this post my answer is simply:

Very easily.

I have reached a point in my life where very few things disturb me at a core level anymore. This is not to suggest I have seen it all. I haven’t and I do not want to. Some would say I have a very vivid imagination. Others would call me a colossal pervert. They’re both probably correct. Which brings me to this rather eye-catching flier I spied on Manhattan Avenue recently.


$290 divided by 15 comes out roughly to $19.30 an hour. Not a bad a rate for keeping one’s clothes on.*

Miss Heather

*Although I suppose you could do those online questionaires in your birthday suit if you are so inclined.



  1. bestviewinbrooklyn on Wed, 1st Apr 2009 11:22 am
  2. Yeah, “couplestudy@gmail.” I’ll bet the first question is about your checking account “for direct deposit.”

    Then again, maybe not. I’m soundly suspicious these days.

    It’s good money, but first I’d write to the kinda-like-Kinsey people here:

  3. addrobinson on Thu, 2nd Apr 2009 11:13 am
  4. My GF and I signed up for the study, we just finished the first survey and we start our daily journal next Monday. And even if you don’t finish you still get paid, they pro rate it. The plan is to blow all the money on a killer dinner at a restaurant we would never go to normally.

  5. missheather on Thu, 2nd Apr 2009 3:11 pm
  6. Sounds like a plan! Good luck!

  7. cp2370 on Thu, 16th Apr 2009 3:43 pm
  8. Too funny, I never expected to see our flyer blogged! I wanted to post here to allay concerns about legitimacy, for anyone who might be interested in participating in the study.

    I’m the lab manager for the Columbia University couples lab — here’s a link to our website:

    If you want more details about the study (other than what you already see on the flyer here) email Sarah Burns, our study coordinator, at We use gmail accounts for our studies rather than the Columbia University server because it has better options to manage our contacts and for scheduling (we have had concerns before that it looks kinda sketch to use gmail, so I just wanted to clarify).

    Thanks for noticing us & for the free advertising 🙂 We still need participants, so drop us a line.

    – Christine Paprocki

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