A Garden Spot Blind Item: A Little Red Light In Greenpoint?

March 29, 2009 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

gptthumbFriday night the Mister and I decided to patronize one of our favorite restaurants. over dinner I mused about how long said establishment had been in business and, as luck would have it, we later received an answer! 25 years give or take. It came from an old timer supping at an adjacent table who also also told us that very eating and drinking establishment was built atop a razed brothel:

My father told me “Son, one day you will go there.” But one day I walked by and bulldozers were tearing it down. It even had a red light out front.

One may or may not care this gentleman’s father’s parenting skills but we do have to him thank in part for this most intriguing blind item! Anyone care to take a stab at what (aptly named) restaurant this man is talking about?

Miss Heather

P.S.: I will post the reveal this evening. Here it is! Yes folks, as I was eating my favorite dish at this establishment, Linguini ala Puttanesca, I learned about some very real ladies of the evening who once graced Greenpoint’s own McGuinness Boulevard!


4 Comments on A Garden Spot Blind Item: A Little Red Light In Greenpoint?

  1. ninjabot on Sun, 29th Mar 2009 7:44 pm
  2. Divine Follie?

  3. missheather on Sun, 29th Mar 2009 7:58 pm
  4. GOOD ONE! But regrettably incorrect… 😉

  5. ninjabot on Sun, 29th Mar 2009 8:07 pm
  6. Happy End?

  7. ninjabot on Sun, 29th Mar 2009 8:07 pm
  8. McDonald’s?

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