Cookie Road Update
Not too much to report here save I spoke to the owner of the store (whose incredibly adorable pup, Lola, can be seen above). She putting the final touches on the place and is awaiting another battery of inspections by the city. If all goes well Cookie Road should be open for business next month! As I have mentioned before, my dentist’s husband attended their evening of free tastings several months back. His review was glowing. Whether or not this is due to the quality of the product or is part of some vast conspiracy to drum up more fillings remains to be seen tasted.*
Cookie Road
97 Oak Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Miss Heather
*This is a joke.
2 Comments on Cookie Road Update
rowan on
Fri, 6th Feb 2009 1:43 pm
al oof on
Fri, 6th Feb 2009 9:49 pm
Pets named Lola have a tendency to be adorable I speak from experience.
That is great about Cookie Road – finally something that isn’t a bar.
i hope they cater to vegans. not because i think everyone has to, i would just like it. mmmcookies.
we were supposed to get a sticky fingers round here (it’s a freaking great vegan bakery in DC) but i don’t know what happened. i think vegan treats is running some kind of monopoly scam. (not really)
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