Felines Lost & Found

January 29, 2009 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

I have a couple of pet-related items to relay to you. In the interest of brevity (it’s been a long day) I have decided to put them in one quick and easy post. Here it goes.



First up, Mingus the cat has gone MIA. I’m not too certain where his home is but this flier hails from Huron Street. So all of you who live in the general area keep an eye out for this little fella. It goes without saying (but I’m to say it anyway) if you have seen him or know of his whereabouts please contact his owner at the above telephone number. Thanks!



This item comes courtesy of Laura Hofmann. She writes:

This cat showed up today on our 5th floor fire escape… He wondered onto a brick gargoyle on the front of the building. Fortunately, my son was able to reach him and rescue him. We’ve knocked on many doors in our apt building. Looks like he doesn’t belong to anyone here. The cat has a purple collar on it.
If you know who this brave little guy (or gal) belongs to please contact Laura via email at  bargeparkpals (at) msn (dot) com. In the meantime their building’s super is keeping him/her safe and warm in their building’s basement overnight.
Last up, for those of you who do not have a cat (but very much want one) Empty Cages Collective will be having another adoption event at NYC Pet Supplies this Saturday, January 31 starting at 1:00 p.m. Check it out!

Empty Cages Collective Adoption Event
@ NYC Pet Supplies

241 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

And that’s all she wrote!

Miss Heather


One Comment on Felines Lost & Found

  1. Curvy Spice on Fri, 30th Jan 2009 6:27 pm
  2. Miss Heather–thanks to your many posts on pet adoptions, I was inspired to finally put in an application (and get my landlords to sign off on it despite what my lease says) and I am off to pick up my cat from the shelter tomorrow.

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