Greenpoint Gentrification Watch: Welcome To The 1970s






Yes sir, that waterfront rezoning has kicked gentrification in Greenpoint into overdrive. Why, just a few years ago we couldn’t afford spray paint to tag our burned out cars.

Anyone care to guess how long this hilarious item will remain on India Street? From the look of things I’d say this carbecque has been sitting here for at least 48 hours.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Greenpoint Gentrification Watch: Welcome To The 1970s

  1. rowan on Tue, 20th Jan 2009 5:18 pm
  2. Possibly longer. Towards the end of last week, I was walking home and smelled burning. There was at least one fire truck on India, close to West and actually pretty close to where this car is. I could not see any buildings burning from where I was standing so a good guess would be this car was what the firefighters were extinguishing.

  3. Tony From Kent Street on Wed, 21st Jan 2009 1:12 pm
  4. I would rather see 40 burned out cars than 40 stories of crapass architecture any day in our fine garden spot of land.

  5. missheather on Wed, 21st Jan 2009 1:25 pm
  6. Call it the audacity of hope, T.F.K.S. but I would like to make the following radical proposition: Greenpoint gets neither 40 burned out cars nor 40 stories of crapass architecture.

    While we’re at it, why not ban Robert Scarano and Karl Fischer from practicing their dark arts here altogether? If I see one more over-sized beige stucco shoebox (thanks Robert) or Z-grade piece of “post modernist” caca (trust me Karl, I’m exercising A LOT of restraint and tact when I write this) here I’m gonna puke.

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