Goodbye Jack O’Neill’s, Hello Shayz Lounge

January 12, 2009 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


As predicted Jack O’Neill’s has changed hands and as of last Saturday it has closed its doors. You can check out its newest incarnation January 17th when it reopens as the Shayz Lounge.


I suspect I speak for many when I say I hope the new owners are going to keep the Irish pub theme and not attempt to transform this establishment into something unduly “hip”. Given the name they have selected I am not terribly optimistic, but I suppose we all will just have to wait and see.

Shayz Lounge
130 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
OPENING DATE: January 17, 2008

Miss Heather

P.S.: Speaking of “hip” those would-be entrepreneurs among you who happen to have some a lot of extra change laying around might be interested to know 259 Banker Street has officially hit the market.



One Comment on Goodbye Jack O’Neill’s, Hello Shayz Lounge

  1. d on Mon, 12th Jan 2009 11:48 pm
  2. I can see that cleaning person inside, that was pretty funny. And I hope the owners of Shayz keep the pub vibe too.

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