The best dressed man in Greenpoint

May 16, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Meet Phillip.


This gentleman is a Greenpoint institution. Not only has he lived here longer than me, but he rocks some of the fiercest fashion in recorded history. He is too hot for Williamsburg to handle.

When I asked him about this, his latest ensemble, he coyly told me he simply hadn’t done laundry yet and this was all he had to wear. I strongly suspect otherwise. This junta-leader-meets-Elvis ensemble would take an average person hours to assemble. But then again, Phillip is not your average person: he is a genius.

Let’s all give a big ol’ Greenpoint salute to Phillip! Thank you for gracing our fine streets with your fine-ass self.

Miss Heather


4 Comments on The best dressed man in Greenpoint

  1. HQ1 on Wed, 16th May 2007 6:11 am
  2. I have definitley seen this sharp looking man around. Word up.

  3. begonia44 on Wed, 16th May 2007 9:23 am
  4. there are certain people you feel compelled to say hello to on the street. it doesn’t happen very often but i’ve felt that urge when i walk by this guy. now that i know his name i just might.

  5. missheather on Wed, 16th May 2007 9:26 am
  6. You should: he is a very interesting person.

  7. the.long.fellows on Thu, 17th May 2007 11:03 am
  8. can see more about this amazing person, our friend Phil at http://www.myspace/thelongfellows
    GO SEE HIS STAGE SHOW AT ROCKSTAR BAR JUNE 28th! You will love it, he’s the best.

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