Great Moments in Greenpoint Vinyl Siding, Volume I

May 15, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Vinyl Siding 

After seeing what is perhaps the most hideous display of vinyl siding ever, I have decided to add “vinyl siding” as a category. What inspired this momentous decision? The thing below.

Suburban Assualt Domicle

I like to call this masterpiece (formerly a tatty, but sort of neat old store front) the Suburban Assault Domicle. This vinyl siding looks like it can retract— or in the case of an emergency— seal the entire building shut with a push of a button.

Siding, Side View

I’d love to know what led up to the ‘eureka moment’ that moved the building’s owner to do this. I think a phat bag of crack (or an affection for the movie Stripes) was the deciding factor.

Miss Heather


12 Comments on Great Moments in Greenpoint Vinyl Siding, Volume I

  1. dupreciate on Wed, 16th May 2007 5:14 am
  2. This past Sunday I noticed a building on Nassau getting a nice vinyl siding upgrade, as the original siding was dry-rotted and falling off the building. Rather than replace the offending layer, these dudes were just throwing up new siding over the old. I like to think that this building (and others like it), are only going to get bigger and bigger as the years pass as more layers are tacked on.

  3. bettybooty818 on Tue, 29th May 2007 10:20 am
  4. If you find Greenpoit so offensive, why not leave? :0) The vinyl siding has been around longer than most of the bad dressing freaks….

  5. bettybooty818 on Tue, 29th May 2007 10:33 am
  6. This site is a pain to use!

  7. bettybooty818 on Tue, 29th May 2007 10:33 am
  8. and it seems that your comments don’t show up, at least not right away….

  9. missheather on Tue, 29th May 2007 10:42 am
  10. No Betty the comments do not show up right away. I moderate every comment that is submitted to this blog. If I didn’t, it would be inundated with pornographic spam comments. Sometimes I get 100+ of these pieces of shit a day, so please be patient!


    P.S.: I find the suburban assault domicile amusing. Even you have to admit to wondering what the hell possessed the homeowner to do this. šŸ˜‰

  11. bettybooty818 on Tue, 29th May 2007 11:21 am
  12. That’s funny, I found your comments to be shit too! How long have you been in Greenpoint? You seem to fit right in…

  13. missheather on Tue, 29th May 2007 11:32 am
  14. You have a point— when one operates a site dedicated to crap (canine and otherwise) like I do, his/her comments/commentary could be described as “shit”. Duly noted.

    For the record, I have been here for going on 8 years, and yes, I do fit in. I take great pride in this fact. I have found my happy place. Where, may I ask, do you call home (or your happy place)? Just curious.

  15. bettybooty818 on Tue, 29th May 2007 11:43 am
  16. I have been in Greenpoint my entire life, hence why I take offense. I used to love it here.

  17. missheather on Tue, 29th May 2007 11:56 am
  18. Now that makes sense! That said, I think you might be taking what I say a wee bit too seriously. For god’s sake don’t— even I don’t do that!

    Can I ask you a question? A serious one, person to person. I was speaking with a fascinating woman here a couple of weeks ago. She did (and still does) a lot of community activism. She brought up an excellent point, one which I would like to know if you agree with. It was something to the effect that the “new” people who choose to make Greenpoint their home have a responsibility ‘to pick up the ball’ and become active members in the community.

    You may not like me or what I do, but I suspect you will agree with me when I say I find the pervasive apathy (and ignorance) here depressing. Epsecially among the twenty-somethings. This in large part is what is enabling this neighborhood’s (very rapid) conversion into a condo-ridden slum.

  19. bettybooty818 on Tue, 29th May 2007 12:11 pm
  20. I agree with that to a point. I guess it depends on what type of community activism you are talking about. I think trying to close Bedfore Avenue to traffic to make it a pedestrian walkway is crazy, but yet these people feel that they are active becasue they are trying to have that done. I’m sure in time they will be more active once there kids are older and in schools and they have a real reason to be. I find a lot of these transiants to be unemployed hipsters hanging out and trying to find themselves. As far as the condos go, I think it’s way to late. I just have to wonder who is paying all that money to live in a tiny condo when you can buy a two-family house 10 minutes away for the same money.

  21. missheather on Tue, 29th May 2007 12:33 pm
  22. Damn you for making me think today, today was supposed to be my play day. šŸ˜‰

    You bring up an EXCELLENT point when you wrote: I guess it depends on what type of community activism you are talking about. I think trying to close Bedford Avenue to traffic to make it a pedestrian walkway is crazy, but yet these people feel that they are active becasue they are trying to have that done.

    It’s a matter of priorities. Advocating the closure of Bedford Avenue to vehicular traffic is to ignore the greater problems here. I do not think I have to go into all of them. You know what they are. Probably better than I do.

    I don’t know how it is in your neck of the woods, but most families I know can no longer afford to live (rent) here. They have been replaced by college students mostly. While I do not necessarily have a problem with the previous folks, I have found that the local landlords are exploiting their parents wallets while doing absolutely nothing in regards to maintaining their property. I’m not talking about the odd burned out lightbulb, etc., either. I’m talking about dangerous stuff.

    I agree with you re. the condos. They’re coming (and displacing rental property) whether we like it or not. I suspect what we’re going to see in a year or two is a ton of vacant property sitting on the market. This is a form of blight in its own right.

    The total disregard for the public’s safety on the part of developers here (like 110 Green Street) is horrifying. I don’t know if you read the following yet, if you haven’t you should. Even though this article explores South Slope, many of the same issues are to be found here— and are generally ignored, even by so-called bloggers.

  23. bettybooty818 on Tue, 29th May 2007 12:54 pm
  24. I’m leaving work, so I’ll check back tomorrow…I printed out the article from the link…

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