Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: An Ode To Ash
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
This evening while running errands I caught my favorite bodega cat, Ash, in a rather compromising position.
However, Ash is a good sport about these things provided she gets rubbins. She knows I am a trusty provider too. They always know.
As I was lavishing attention upon her, one girl appeared at the door. Naturally Ash, being not just a loss prevention expert but also the ambassador of this establishment, obliged her.
Then two girls appeared.
Then three.
Ash then proceeded to demonstrate her skillz on the nearby Wall of Beer. Much to her peril, as it proved.
Those two packs of beer at far right almost toppled over. I caught them. This sent her youngest admirer into pealing fits of laughter. I did not just save Ash’s dignity, but I probably saved an aficionado of Zywiec and Lomza from opening a can of beer and having it spray in his face. That shit is for DRINKING. Two counts of dignity, saved.
But enough about me. Or beer.
This post is for you, Ash. The joy you give patrons of this establishment, children foremost among them, even melts the cockles of my heart. I’m sure the parents of the aforementioned children would concur, despite the exasperation of having to collect their them from partaking of your charms (which happened tonight). Ash, you are a loved, cherished member of the community.
Just keep away from the Wall of Beer, okay?
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