A Story In Two Acts

So last week I received a voicemail from Project Reset offering a “resolution” to my “case”. I sent that to my attorney. Today they texted me and left me a voicemail.*

So I forwarded this to my attorney. And he called her back. Hilarity ensued.

The 94th saw fit to make a big deal out of this. So we’re gonna make a big deal about this. The police deleting photos without a court order is a BIG DEAL. Cheers!

UDPATE, September 3rd, 9:00 PM: I have also received a letter in the mail from the fellow who left me the voicemail last week.

And I sent it to my attorney. Now we’re four for four!

UPDATE, 9:09 PM: Now I have received a voicemail from NYPD Internal Affairs. And I sent it to my attorney. See how this works?

*I did not discover this until this evening. Damn, these people really want to talk to me. To recap, to date I have received:

  1. Two voicemails from Project Reset
  2. A text from Project Reset
  3. A letter from Project Reset
  4. One call from NYPD Internal Affairs


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