$cam Avenue: An Update Regarding The Greenpoint Parking Spot of Death

March 31, 2017 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, WTF 

So after yesterday’s nonsense I have some information to relay. Without further ado, here it is:

  1. Our very own City Councilman has parked in this space and received a ticket. He is going to contact the Department of Transportation and have them change the lines on the street so as to clear up any ambiguity about the legality of this parking space.
  2. These tickets cost $115.00 a pop. Which brings me to…
  3. How much does the towing cost? Well this (which was gleaned from the NYPD’s own web site) should give you, gentle readers, some idea:

So let’s do the math:

  • $115 for the ticket
  • $185 for the towing
  • I am going to throw in $20 for overnight storage because it is quite likely it will take a day for the person whose car was towed to pay the ticket, etc.
  • So we are looking at a grand total of $320 folks. That’s a nice chunk of change. This is probably enough to seriously ruin someone’s day and, mind you, we are not factoring the cost of transportation to said impound facility, lost wages, etc.

Some can make the argument that the police are merely doing their job. This is a very short-sighted stance to take. The reality is the police cannot be everywhere and enforce every law all the time. They have to prioritize and enforcing this space (as illegal parking) has been made a priority. I want each and every one of you to think about this. I want you to ask yourselves why this is so (because I just spelled it out for you). Ca-CHING!

To be continued, no doubt…


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