The Word On The Street, Part III: Java Street

Java Street NYS

There’s more creepy people in NY than anywhere I’ve been.

New York Shitty Analysis: Clearly this individual has never been to Albany. There are some weapons grade douchebags creeps to be found there. Some of whom are seeking re-election.

Seriously folks: please, PLEASE get out and vote tomorrow.

But I do not like any of the candidates.

You say? Then bring along a pen and write-in your candidate of choice. This is what I intend to do. For example, let’s take the Governor’s race. I for one have been carpet-bombed with fliers for Andrew Cuomo and/or his “Women’s Equality Party”. I am guessing his “wizards” “crunched” the numbers/statistics and deduced I would likely be moved by material like this:

stopandfriskGuess what? They were wrong.

If there is one thing I have observed as a New York State (and “City”) resident, it is there’s plenty of injustice to go around. One need not be a woman to experience it (although it does not hurt): being LGBTQ, a Latino or African American male youth (Can you say “Stop & Frisk?), simply practicing a religion and/or having a national origin which is not widely understood (Hello, Ebola scare/”stranger danger”!) will suffice. Hell, the previous make being a straight, married, woman of White Anglo Saxon descent look like a cake walk.

I am writing in Bella Abzug as my choice for Governor. The fact she is deceased is, in my humble opinion, a minor technicality. Ms. Abzug was a genuine, honest-to-god, balls-to-the-wall feminist. She was a fighter. And I suspect, wherever she may be, she takes an exceptionally dim view of “Women’s Equality Party”. This is because the “WEP” seeks to exploit— not build upon— the hard work and sacrifices women like her made to make our lives a mite bit better in 2014.

Note: I wrote our. No feminist worth her (or his) salt is merely going to vote by virtue of vagina. It is much more complicated than that. “Women’s” issues are inextricably tied to LGBTQ issues. Same goes for race and class. But there I go talking about class again. It’s time to wrap this tome up.

Those of you who do not know where your polling station is can find out here. Now if you do not mind, it’s cocktail time…


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