From The New York Shitty Inbox…

Dobbin Street 8302014 nys

A lady we’ll call “M” writes:

This may be on your radar already but golly gosh…

Yeah, spray painting a school isn’t the best idea (she could have picked a construction billboard, maybe a pull-down store gate…)…but she’s charged with a hate crime which is just SO wrong…and a felony.  So the 94th gets tough on mild mannered women with spray paint but lets lunatics go about slashing people in cafes and mexican restaurants for giggles. * sure makes sense to me (not)…

This turned up on a google search:

And these too…

Ah Greenpoint

Indeedy. I would not exactly call a person who tagged a NYPD police car this “mild mannered”. Shit like that requires a pair of King Kong-sized balls. That said, should this woman be prosecuted for what she did? Absolutely. However, does she merit being prosecuted for a hate crime? No, she does not. Per thefreethoughtproject:

Under Article 485 of New York Penal Law, a “hate crime” must involve “violence, intimidation [or] destruction of property” inspired by animus toward people on the basis of “race, color, national origin, ancestry. gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability, or sexual orientation.” Absent from that inventory is any mention of occupation as a “protected category,” which means that the NYPD must consider itself to be either a tribe, a cult, or perhaps even a sexual orientation, most likely one that fetishizes sadistic mistreatment of the helpless…

Let’s face facts: Ms. Best managed to make a mockery out of the 94th/NYPD’s “authority”— however briefly. This is what these charges** are really about.

Closing on a related note, those of you who were wondering what the helicopter activity in north ‘Point was about last night, apparently a squatter gained entrance to a vacant apartment and the NYPD— replete with helicopter— was charged with “collecting” him. Those who are curious can get a better idea of what happened by clicking here.

*I have taken up this matter with Assemblyman Joe Lentol’s office. They’re on it.

**which include aggravated harassment: a charge which is also being levied against the fellow who slashed the owner of Milk & Roses recently. I want you, gentle readers, to think about this


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