The Blarney Choad

April 2, 2007 by
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dung of the Day 

Not satisfied with a mere six surveillance cameras, Magic Johnson and his crew have seen fit to add a few more.

Big Brother

I’m not too sure what purpose these cameras serve (aside from perhaps pissing people off— and in this regard they are working like a charm), but if they are being used as a dog shit deterrent, IT ISN’T WORKING.

The Blarney Choad

Top of the mornin’ to ya Mr. Johnson!

I found this a yard away from these festive feces. Looks like the St. Paddy’s celebration is finally winding down at 106 Green Street. Sixteen days of partying: even for here that has got to set some sort of record…

Miss Heather


One Comment on The Blarney Choad

  1. Rebecca11222 on Mon, 2nd Apr 2007 4:19 pm
  2. I am SO tempted to move to Sunnyside/Woodside so that I can learn to hate a different nationality of drunk bums.

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