
August 12, 2008 by
Filed under: Dung of the Day, Other Shit 

A giant inflatable dog turd by American artist Paul McCarthy blew away from an exhibition in the garden of a Swiss museum, bringing down a power line and breaking a greenhouse window before it landed again, the museum said Monday.

The art work, titled “Complex S(expletive..)”, is the size of a house. The wind carried it 200 metres (yards) from the Paul Klee Centre in Berne before it fell back to Earth in the grounds of a children’s home*, said museum director Juri Steiner. — Yahoo Canada

I knew there was a reason I liked Paul McCarthy so much in graduate school. I’d pay top dollar to see an encore performance at Carroll Park.

Miss Heather

*Thanks for passing this along Flatbush “Big Shit Meet Little Shits” Gardener!

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3 Comments on Priceless

  1. cbtin on Tue, 12th Aug 2008 4:20 pm
  2. It’s what happens when fans of shit see the shit hit the fan. But seriously, don’t you think the kids at the children’s home have been dumped on enough?

  3. jake_tuff on Wed, 13th Aug 2008 1:08 pm
  4. at first i thought they were inflatable hippos posed as if they were playing and thought it was adorable. :-/

  5. rowan on Wed, 13th Aug 2008 1:47 pm
  6. i so wish that would come to NYC. i’d cry laughing.

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