New York Shitty Photos du Jour: McGuinness Boulevard

After getting word form my buddy Jay that a beleaguered Beamer was being used as a trash receptacle on the Champs-Élysées of our fair burgh I simply had to see (and smell) this spectacle for myself. I am pleased to report I was not disappointed!

As you can see it has received a few “additions”.

The presence of food matter, vomitus and/or effluvia was noted.

A solitary carrot has found its way into the mix.

Here’s a close up of the cat shit.

And last— but hardly least— a parking ticket. What will tomorrow hold, you ask? That remains to be seen. But I suspect our fellow Greenpointers will not disappoint!

Miss Heather


One Comment on New York Shitty Photos du Jour: McGuinness Boulevard

  1. Jorsh on Tue, 12th Apr 2011 8:37 am
  2. It’s a Bimmer! Bimmer!!! *car nerd meltdown*

    Crappy aftermarket eyelids, painted over chrome bumpers, uggggh. Someone needs to put this car out of its misery.

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