Dung Of The Day: Nassau Avenue

March 24, 2008 by
Filed under: Bum Shit, Dog Shit, Dung of the Day 

Last weekend I had the pleasure of having two friends accompany me on my weekly walk of Greenpoint. It was a most enjoyable experience for yours truly. We not did we chatter away but I got to play tour guide to boot. Of course there came a point on Nassau Avenue when I had to drop the amateur act and get down to business. What kind of business, you ask? The business that graces much of our neighborhood’s sidewalks. Yes, I am talking about dog shit.

GHWB and Quayle

I think. As soon as I saw this pasty pile of poo in front of the local funeral parlor I knew exactly what to do. To this end I opened my backpack, retrieved my bust of George Herbert Walker Bush and put it to good use.

Poles and Bush

This act of social commentary did not go unnoticed by my fellow passersby. The above two gentlemen stopped walking and engaged in a heated discussion in front of my object de arte. You have to hand it to us Greenpointers, we love to talk about politics.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Dung Of The Day: Nassau Avenue

  1. SouthOfNYC on Tue, 25th Mar 2008 8:45 am
  2. Which is the dog poop and which is George? 🙂 Oops, is my opinion of Dubyah showing?

  3. purewonka on Thu, 27th Mar 2008 10:15 pm
  4. I passed by your assemblage while it was still there and observed a handsome couple discussing it in French. Couldn’t understand what they were saying, but it clearly made them happy.

  5. greyhound on Fri, 28th Mar 2008 4:14 am
  6. great photo. pity there was,nt room for gordon brown and tony blair.

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