East Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: The Shittiest Car in North Brooklyn?

As the previous post indicates, I have been experiencing a great deal of existentialist boredom of late. This is not to suggest I have seen it all. I haven’t— nor do I really care to. My imagination suffices. Nonetheless there are times when I am quickly and rudely awakened from my waking somnambulism. Today as I was walking down Ten Eyck Street was once such time.

When I see something like this I assure myself there must be a reasonable explanation. The best one I could muster in this situation was this vehicle was on the business end of a cement mixer. Upon closer inspection I deduced this was not the case.

No sir. This is 100% genuine north Brooklyn guano!

I find it strangely inspiring that no matter how much abuse we humans dole out to mother earth, she sees fit to strike back on occasion. In this case via the humble Columba livia. You go, girl!

Miss Heather


4 Comments on East Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: The Shittiest Car in North Brooklyn?

  1. rodmur on Tue, 2nd Feb 2010 7:25 pm
  2. I can only hope that didn’t happen in just one day

  3. d on Tue, 2nd Feb 2010 8:29 pm
  4. It has also been parked in front of a no parking sign for a considerable amount of time – the guano is surrounding it on the ground too.

  5. missheather on Tue, 2nd Feb 2010 8:33 pm
  6. He shouldn’t have parked there, hence the “No Parking” sign. They should have clarified the penalty for doing so, tho.

  7. bitchcakes on Wed, 3rd Feb 2010 6:20 pm
  8. That’s IMPRESSIVE! Holy crap!!! (no pun intended)

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