The Kids Are Not Alright

December 3, 2007 by
Filed under: Dung of the Day, Other Shit 

I have long thought that college educations— and most of the people who sport them— were pretty much useless nowadays. This splendid example of angry signage from a woman’s dormitory at Hunter College more or less confirms it.

Dear Skank

Sherry, the provider of the above piece of photographic insight into dorm life in the 21st century, writes:

Are you an equal opportunity signage reader? The attached picture is a complaint from Hunter College’s dormitory bathroom. (Notice the hot pink accent, which lets you know it’s an all-female floor.) I deem the “fecal deposits” themselves unflushable due to a large circumference and feel as sorry for the person who has to pass them as I do for those who find them…

Maybe someone should by this “nasty skank” some Metamucil? After all, Hannukah is right around the corner.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Come to think of it, this takes me back to my dormitory days. One evening I went to the shared bathroom and discovered something quite remarkable: a toilet filled to the rim with shit. It was a veritable Matterhorn of merde. What’s more, someone was thoughtful enough to toss a sailor hat on top of it and proceeded to take another shit on top of that. I have no doubt the author of this signature piece of “sculpture” has gone on to a career in politics.


One Comment on The Kids Are Not Alright

  1. al oof on Mon, 3rd Dec 2007 9:18 pm
  2. wow, the things you miss when your school has private bathrooms. that is extremely intense.

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