Snapshots From Astoria

September 15, 2009 by
Filed under: 11101, Astoria, Bum Shit, Dung of the Day, Other Shit, Queens 

Yesterday evening the Mister and I ventured to Astoria to support our buddy Kevin Walsh, who happens to have a show of his photography at the Greater Astoria Historical Society.  For those of you keeping count, this is the second day in a row we have ventured to the county of Queens. Anyhoo, it has been awhile I have been to my former stomping grounds (I lived in Astoria briefly during graduate school) so I brought along my camera and took a few photographs. Follow are some highlights. Enjoy!


What Elvira and Marilyn Monroe have to do with shoes I do not know. Regardless I found this display charming.


Change may have come to America but it’s still business as usual at this storefront. Despite his odious politics the man behind this missive is— believe it or not— a very nice guy. I have spoken to him.


I did a double take at this. Something else the greater Steinway Street and Broadway area sports are really cool old-school storefronts.


Like this…


and this.


A little ennui over pizza. And last— but hardly least—


my visit to Astoria taught me why I should never, EVER patronize a public pay phone again.



Miss Heather


One Comment on Snapshots From Astoria

  1. bitchcakes on Sun, 20th Sep 2009 5:12 pm
  2. I couldn’t even imagine, under any circumstance, the thought of putting ANY public payphone up to my ear/face. And this is just gross!

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