Crappy— In More Ways Than One!

October 31, 2007 by
Filed under: Bum Shit, Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic, Other Shit 

It’s been awhile since I have seen me some super shitty construction fences, so this morning I moseyed on down to West Street to get my fix. I was not disappointed.

Fence, Kent and West Street

The above fence can be seen at the southwestern corner of West and Kent Street.

C’mon In!

Here’s a nice shot of the hole in the fence.


Next to it resides this festering pile of garbage.

Sidewalk Crack

The sidewalk in front of this fence has a nice crack…

Have a nice day

as did the gent taking a shit behind it. I don’t know what the hell this guy ate, but I could smell the Ghost of Dinner Past* over fifteen feet away.

In closing I would like to state that I prefer to envision the glass as being half full. This site is not a public safety hazard: it is an al fresco public lavatory. Don’t laugh, it’s probably cleaner than the women’s crapper at McGolrick Park.

Maybe I should call the CRACK PROS?

Miss Heather

*Or would that be the Ghost of SHITmas Past?


4 Comments on Crappy— In More Ways Than One!

  1. rexlic on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 11:41 am
  2. Do you know who has a birthday on SHITmas? NYC legend DUMPfree Bogart, in 1899!

  3. missheather on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 12:18 pm
  4. Didn’t he star in Bunga Din?

  5. rexlic on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 1:06 pm
  6. If you’re not already familiar with it, check out You’ll plotz!!

  7. greenpointers on Wed, 31st Oct 2007 1:13 pm
  8. You can only see this kinda stuff at! Bravo! lol

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