Code Brown: 51 Street and Lex

July 27, 2007 by
Filed under: Bum Shit, Dog Shit, Dung of the Day 

I have always made it a point to avoid the 51st and Lexington hub of the MTA. There are a number of reasons I eschew this station, but the two main ones are:

  1. Its thoroughfares are clogged worse than sideshow fat lady’s arteries.
  2. It smells bad. Really bad.

The latter always confused me; I could never pin-point the source of the stench. Sure, everything looked clean (inasmuch as that is possible in subway station anyway), but my nose always told me something was amiss. This was the first lesson I learned about living in New York City: always trust what this highly underrated organ is telling you. Stink don’t lie.

Today I got a submission from Jen (of the wonderful blog, lastnightsdinner) from the 51st Street and Lexington subway station which, ironically enough, features last night’s dinner for someone… or something.

She writes:

I took a different route home from work yesterday than normal. As I walked to the back of the 6 train platform at the 51st/Lex station, I noticed a couple of guys in business casual wear wiping their feet. I looked at the platform in front of them and noticed a trail of flattened shit that lead all the way to the elevator. I’m hoping that the poop was the result of a service dog who couldn’t quite make it outside and whose owner was unable to clean it up, but to be honest, this being New York Shitty, I doubt that was the case.

Anyway, I couldn’t not take photos for you. Enjoy!


All good dinners go to heaven…

Here’s look at you kid

Here’s looking at you kid!

Miss Heather


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