Mount Shitimanjaro

May 23, 2007 by
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dung of the Day 

I’ll be the first to admit that Manhattan Avenue between Eagle and Freeman Street is not especially pleasing to the eyes. A number of the buildings there are run down, the huge construction fence (that swallows up much of the sidewalk) is hideous and the sheer amount of litter to be found there is can be astonishing— even for Greenpoint. That said, yesterday I discovered a new and more disgusting addition to this urban landscape: two enormous mounds of dog shit.

One at 1049 Manhattan Avenue…

1049 Manhattan Avenue

and another, older escarpment of caca next door at 1043 Manhattan Avenue.

1043 Manhattan Avenue


Miss Heather


One Comment on Mount Shitimanjaro

  1. begonia44 on Thu, 24th May 2007 9:55 am
  2. YES. thank you. it’s nasty. and there are mounds of practically petrified shit too around all the trees on that block.

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