East Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Dear Sir/Madam


It would appear the gentrification of Meserole Street is bravely marching on despite the sour economy. Note how the author of this missive not only addresses his (or her) readers as “sir” and “madam” but he even saw fit to laminate his tome. This person is a class act.

Miss Heather


4 Comments on East Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Dear Sir/Madam

  1. ms nomer on Thu, 22nd Oct 2009 4:36 pm
  2. Perfect sign! 10 points all around: respect, humor, and posting without harm to the tree!!!

  3. bitchcakes on Thu, 22nd Oct 2009 8:02 pm
  4. I especially like that they knew to not put the apostrophe in “its”. I am sure Diana will enjoy that too.

  5. d on Sun, 25th Oct 2009 11:31 am
  6. Yes Bitchcakes, I do like that! Though they get a point off for capitalizing “shit”.

  7. d on Sun, 25th Oct 2009 11:31 am
  8. Or I should say “s…”.

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