$cam Avenue: An Update Regarding The Greenpoint Parking Spot of Death

March 31, 2017 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, WTF 

So after yesterday’s nonsense I have some information to relay. Without further ado, here it is:

  1. Our very own City Councilman has parked in this space and received a ticket. He is going to contact the Department of Transportation and have them change the lines on the street so as to clear up any ambiguity about the legality of this parking space.
  2. These tickets cost $115.00 a pop. Which brings me to…
  3. How much does the towing cost? Well this (which was gleaned from the NYPD’s own web site) should give you, gentle readers, some idea:

So let’s do the math:

  • $115 for the ticket
  • $185 for the towing
  • I am going to throw in $20 for overnight storage because it is quite likely it will take a day for the person whose car was towed to pay the ticket, etc.
  • So we are looking at a grand total of $320 folks. That’s a nice chunk of change. This is probably enough to seriously ruin someone’s day and, mind you, we are not factoring the cost of transportation to said impound facility, lost wages, etc.

Some can make the argument that the police are merely doing their job. This is a very short-sighted stance to take. The reality is the police cannot be everywhere and enforce every law all the time. They have to prioritize and enforcing this space (as illegal parking) has been made a priority. I want each and every one of you to think about this. I want you to ask yourselves why this is so (because I just spelled it out for you). Ca-CHING!

To be continued, no doubt…

A New York Shitty Public Service Announcement

March 30, 2017 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

If you happen to own a motor vehicle and find yourself needing to park it in Greenpoint listen up, you will undoubtedly find what I am about to relay of the utmost interest.

See the highlighted area above? The one which seems to be demarcated as a legally permissible parking space if one consults the lines drawn on the street? Well, it is most decidedly not legal and has become quite the revenue mill for our traffic enforcement officials. I have seen (and in one case, photographed) “meter maids” loitering nearby— in one case, for nearly twenty minutes— waiting for someone to park in this space so he or she can issue the motorist a ticket.

Before I proceed I would like to make it known why this space is illegal. Some time ago there was work conducted on the street proper. It was by Con Ed, I believe. This required moving the bus stop for the B43 and B62 approximately fifteen feet to the north (or, referencing the above photo, to the right). Given buses need a wide berth of passage this change is quite understandable and indeed necessary. The question still arises as to why the lines on the street were not changed, but we’ll table that matter.

I know what you’re thinking:

Okay, so the bus stop was moved? What’s the big deal here?

Well this is where it gets interesting, gentle readers. You see this bus stop has since been moved yet again. This time to the south. It is presently located roughly in front of our local C-Town: 953 Manhattan Avenue. I have generated a map so as to illustrate what I am talking about.

Here you can see where the original bus stop was located, versus where it is actually located. It has been moved to the next block. So of course now the question arises as to why this parking space is still illegal. I will leave this for the “authorities” to answer.

What I can tell you— because I have seen it with my own eyes and filmed it— is “traffic” has stepped up their game regarding the enforcement of this illegal parking space. They are no longer simply issuing tickets. They have started towing the vehicles outright. And, as of this morning, they are breaking into said misplaced vehicles if need be in order to tow them. Don’t take my word for it, watch for yourself. Seeing is truly believing.



Many questions crossed my mind as I watched this transpire. Foremost among them was “Is this really necessary?” No, I do not think it is. Lord only knows north Brooklyn and Greenpoint in particular have a litany of traffic-related problems which are much more urgent in nature than this. If you happen to agree, by all means please share this with any/all elected officials, “authorities”, etc., as you see fit.

Given the NYPD, and specifically the 94th Precinct, have had a spate of bad publicity lately (I am being very kind here), one would presume, hope, they would be endeavoring to foster better “community relations”. However, stuff like this (enforcing an illegal parking space whose reason for being illegal in the first place is no longer extant) does the exact opposite. Want to (further) erode the respect and trust of the community one serves? This here example is a sterling way to do it.

Seriously folks, we deserve better than this.

UPDATE, 1:05 pm: We have a complaint number! DOT-330779-H1X6

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