Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Point/Counterpoint



Taken August 3, 2014.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Open!

August 3, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

It would appear that as of yesterday August 1st the Jungle Cafe has opened its doors for business! I hope the food is as good as the lovely job they did overhauling this long-neglected space. I suppose we’ll find out soon enough…

Jungle Cafe
Status: Open!
996 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

You can view their menu online by clicking here. Closing on a (somewhat) related note, Cachaco (which is located across the street at 994 Manhattan Avenue) is finalizing their new menu! You can see the latest draft by clicking here.

Photo Credits: autovac

New York Shitty Street Seating Du Jour: Al Fresco Living

August 3, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11385, Feral Furniture, Maspeth, Maspeth Queens 




This splendid specimen (which I have learned has since been removed— too bad as it is perfect for enjoying this unseasonably mild weather) hails from Starr Street and Woodward Avenue and comes courtesy of Queens Crap. Very nice!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Harte & Company

August 3, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken by gothamruins.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Untitled

August 2, 2014 ·
Filed under: New York City 

Taken by Luis Peralta.

New York Shitty Feral Furniture Watch: Southside Selections

South 5th Street

South 5 street nys

South 5 Street Feral Sofa nys

It’s amazing how those illegal clothing drop off boxes seem to attract illegal dumping…

South 5 Street Sofa detritus NYS

in more ways than one. Trust me: this smelled worse than it looks (which is pretty darned bad).

“Havemeyer Park”

Havemeyer Park Recliner nys

Note the “teepee” in the background.  These were not indigenous to the region “back in the day”. There were no “buffalo” in New York. I suppose the gesture (raising awareness about Native Americans?) is a nice enough one— but why not do so in a geographically, historically relevant manner?

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: 652 Days & Counting!

August 1, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 

Jailbear 812014 nys

Bacardi and Bear nys

The Face of Jailbear nys

Looks like Jailbear is taking the imminent closure of Lulu’s pretty hard. Or perhaps he is celebrating? Anyone out there know if teddy bears like pizza? Sorry folks, I have a very hard time feeling sorry for a business owner who:

  1. Didn’t seem to have an issue with the anti-gay clause in his lease— for a decade— until it became convenient to do so.
  2. Went on the record saying this:

They (gay establishments — Ed. note) do well because you don’t have issues of fighting,” he said. “They’re nice people, they’re wonderful to deal with. It’s easier. Typically you don’t have to offer food.

So apparently gay people do not eat or fight. Just goes to show you learn something new every day. Did I mention that watering holes in our fair city are required by law to offer food? Well, I just did.

UPDATE, 6:03 p.m.: It would appear that the owner of Lulu’s has been trying to sell this establishment for some time. An anonymous tipster writes:

(He) tried to sell me that place 3 years ago.  Crying the blues about not making money etc.  I was actually interested UNTIL I toured the space.  SHIT HOLE ….literally!  At that time the toilets were flushing INTO the basement!  Exposed wires, bad plumbing, mold, rotting floors and walls.  WAAAAAAAY too much work to bring the place up to code, so I declined.

So there you go.

New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: Hope Street

August 1, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11249, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


Taken August 1, 2014.

Found In Greenpoint…

August 1, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


this adorable floppy eared fellow (?)! As you can see no location has been provided as to where this handsome hare was found. However, I observed the fliers were concentrated around Meserole Avenue, Calyer, Franklin and Banker Street, so this may be some indication. I have contacted this good Samaritan to thank him for being this bunny’s guardian angel and request more details as to what happened. We’ll see. In the meantime, if you know to whom this furry one belongs please contact the above-listed email address. Thanks!

UPDATE, 8:53 p.m.: I got a response— and it is awesome!

Hey there. haven’t heard anything from his owner as of yet and every vet/pet store i’ve spoken to has told me he was probably abandoned so that sucks. He loves to be pet and is super sweet so was definitely a pet at one point…i can’t imagine how you could just abandon your pet like that. Lame!  But…guess it just means I have a cute, sweet, adorable new pet, so there’s an upside. : )

Backstory? I had just gone to brunch with an old coworker at Dirk the Norsman and was walking back on N15 when i saw some rustling in the garbage by the music studios over there. I assumed it was a giant rat until I got closer and noticed it was a little bunny…not your average sight on n15. He let me pick him up right away and was super skinny so ya know, he had me at ‘dirty and covered with garbage’.

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