The Word On The Street: Wythe Avenue

January 12, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11249, The Word On The Street, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


Taken January 11, 2014.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: On The Waterfront

See that grey stuff? That’s Manhattan.


Once again: Yup.

One more time: Yup.

The good news: the feral felines which North Brooklyn Cats (lovely ladies all) trapped, neutered and released appear to be doing well!

The bad news: the park bench* and fence** gracing this piece of much-needed “open space” are still submerged.

What’s more, they now have a most unusual urban artifact to give them company.

A safe.

Make that an EX safe.

Welcome to Greenpoint.

Repeat after me:

Graffiti— not landlord neglect; definitely not a lack of investment and especially NOT enforcement of the law by our fair city— is ruining the neighborhood…

*Aquatic since at least November 3, 2013.
**Wrecked since at least October 8, 2013.

Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: Bunny M

January 11, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11249, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Those of you who are curious as to who Philomena was (I certainly was!), can (should) click here— and here.

(Taken January 11, 2014.)

New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: El Sol 25

January 11, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11211, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Taken January 11, 2014.

The Word On The Street, Part III: Roebling Street

Taken January 11, 2014.

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Who’s The Boss?

January 11, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11249, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Taken January 11, 2014.

The Word On The Street, Part II: North 6 Street

Taken January 11, 2014.

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: The Word On The Street

January 11, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11211, The Word On The Street, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Taken January 11, 2014.

The Word On The Street: Times Nine

This vision can be found on North 4 Street Street. As you can see in the last photo, yours truly was not the only person who found this amusing. It rather reminds me of Beeteljuice. If calls his name three times, he will manifest. Here no less than nine solicitations have been employed— with considerably less success. Something which crossed my mind during my peregrinations today was how many vacant storefronts I saw. Invariably they were covered in graffiti. This leads one to wonder, perhaps, if these spaces were occupied this would mitigate the problem somewhat. Thus, it could be surmised that the rapaciousness of landlords can and does have a hand in the “graffiti epidemic” hereabouts— and, contrary to what the pillars of our community may believe: this is not simply a matter of vandalism for vandalism’s sake. Think about it.

Props/hat tip: goes out to Bitchcakes for bringing this to my attention!

Urban Artifact: Bedford Avenue

January 11, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11211, Urban Artifact, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Spiderman is rocking a pretty fierce sidekick nowadays. Per the person who brought this to my attention, this hilarious item not only survived the recent blizzard, but has graced this intersection for at least three months.

(Insert “Who needs Robin/”boy wonder” or “man of steel” joke here.)

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