From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: AiNAC

November 30, 2013 ·
Filed under: New York City, Street Art, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 

Miley and the Bat twerk

Taken by Robert S.

Mark Your Calendars: Stop The Towers

November 30, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Stop The Towers

NYPOscreencapNew York Shitty has a counter-proposal/suggestion:

Why not remind Steve “I often spend a half-hour or more looking for a parking spot in Greenpoint [where he lives], and at this point, I think I’m just going to pay for a garage.” Levin that his parking troubles are only going to get worse when those towers go up.



This morning I received word that one of more lovable (if a mite bit cantankerous) citizens has passed on. The corner of India and Manhattan will not be the same without out you, Charlie. You will be missed.

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: 122 Meserole Avenue’s Amazing Technicolor Fence


As this post intimates, yours truly loves to see old things rehabilitated and/or transformed into something “new”. One need only look at some of the new “architecture” hereabouts to illustrate my point. Newer is not always better. It may be easier and more lucrative, but the trade off is it is (more often than not) uglier as hammered dog shit. But this is not about ugly things or even dog shit. This is about something that brightened up my day in a serious way.

122 Meserole Avemue

I present for your viewing pleasure the fence gracing the premises of 122 Meserole Avenue. I know what you’re thinking, gentle readers:

This does not look so awesome. What’s the big deal?

Looking north

As is often the case with such nuggets of joy this is best enjoyed in person— still I will endeavor to convey the awesomeness.

Rainbow Fence

Simply put, strips of plastic have been strung through this old-school chain-link fence creating a riot of color!

Sign 2

Perhaps the purpose of this project was utilitarian, e.g.; discouraging folks from chaining their bikes to said fence? Or not? Regardless, it is really not important.


Rather what is important is even the most mundane of things can, with some “vision”, creativity and good ol’ elbow grease, be turned into a thing of beauty that all can enjoy. What I love about this creation is its simplicity. Big things can come from “thinking small”. I give this creation two enthusiastic New York Shitty thumbs up!

The Word On The Street, Part II: Norman Avenue

No Butt Stuff

Taken November 26, 2013.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Something Neat!

Leonard at Greenpoint Avenue

Airplace on Leonard

Looking Up


Today yours truly ran errands. More specifically: I ventured into today’s post-nasal drip to acquire ingredients for this upcoming Thanksgiving’s meal. While the weather was hardly enjoyable, I spied a number of things which tickled my fancy during my peregrinations. This (which can be found on Leonard Street at Greenpoint Avenue) was one of them. One has to admire the whimsy and ingenuity at play. A number of items have been “re-purposed” to make this creation, among them: lamp shades, cans and a malt liquor bottle to name a few. I would be remiss if I did not point out the Zywiec cartons crafted into fins. Well done, fellow Greenpointer!

The Word On The Street: BK Love

November 26, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

BK Love

Norman Avenue 11262013

Holy Crap

From Norman Avenue.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Baby, It’s Cold Outside

November 24, 2013 ·
Filed under: Midtown, Midtown Manhattan, New York City, Stuff The Makes Heather Sad 


This was taken by a very nice lady named Stephanie on the N train at Lexington Avenue and 59th Street last night at 10:00 p.m. Given last weekend a homeless/”unhoused” fellow hereabouts died of hypothermia this made my heart sink. I suppose he (she?) is at least safe and warm— and if you are reading this, gentle readers, chances are you are as well. This is something to consider this upcoming Thanksgiving weekend replete with “Black Friday” sales.

Want versus need. This is something the Bloomturd administration* never really got the “jist” of. But they would not have been able to do what they did— for twelve years— without some semblance of approval. From us. We need to overhaul and/or gut the homeless shelter system as it operates presently. The McCarren Park Ice Rink: that’s a want. There is no reason someone should have to resort to our subway system to have a warm place to sleep (as opposed to freezing to death in out public parks). If Bloomberg can “give” us an ice rink…


*I have commenced creating a series of snow globe souvenirs of the Bloomberg Administration’s “accomplishments”. Obviously they have a decidedly north Brooklyn “twist” (as that is what I know best). However, suggestions are encouraged! Kick ’em over via comments or my “tips” page.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: 239 Banker Street

November 24, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 




There is a spectacular array of garbage gracing this illegal loft conversion property today! I wonder where the night regulation/street cleaning sign came from?

Urban Artifact: Manhattan Avenue

November 24, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 

Manhattan Avenue 11242013

Hydrant and soap


As spotted today across the street from the Vincent Abate Playground. It’s pretty self-explanatory.

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