From The New York Shitty Inbox: Greetings From Broadway

(in Brooklyn, that is)


My anonymous tipster, “T” writes:

You may have seen these, but just in case. Posted up under the train along Broadway.. On almost every truss/pillar.

Actually, I have not. But then again:

1. I received this mailer from a tipster who resides in the 34th.



lapdogAARONSHORT2. I reside in the 33rd— wherein a great many of my fellow citizens seem to be in a state of denial that our incumbent City Councilman, Steve Levin, was the Chief of Staff and in fact mentored by this lovely fellow.

Why is this so? For starters, I’d hazard to guess that when compared to David Yassky or Ken Fisher, Levin’s predecessors, he seems like an improvement. The sad fact is, Levin probably is an improvement.

But that just goes to show how low the expectations are here in Greenpoint— and how disappointed I am that no attention by reformers is being directed to the “race” here. Yes, there is one

Supplemental/suggested reading: this tome by City & State. Here’s a choice passage:

…Possibly the most bizarre example of the staffer-as-candidate phenomenon is taking place right now in Brooklyn, where two former chiefs of staff to Assemblyman Vito Lopez, Council Members Stephen Levin and Diana Reyna, currently occupy neighboring districts. In a veritable warren of political intrigue, Lopez is running against Reyna’s chief of staff, Antonio Reynoso, while next door Levin is making every effort to pretend that his own re-election campaign has nothing whatsoever to do with the scandals plaguing his former boss…

The Word On The Street: HELLO

August 31, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11237, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, The Word On The Street 



Taken August 29, 2013.

Spotted On Manhattan Avenue: Find Oliver


You know the drill, north Brooklynites: if you have seen Oliver (who was apparently last seen in East Williamsburg wearing a Louis Vuitton collar) or know of his whereabouts, please say something to his people. STAT.

Urban Fur: Bogart Street


One of yours truly’s favorite ferals, Callie, holds court.


Not only she has acquired a new friend, but anyone seeking to get a jump on this year’s holiday season may be interested in this curiously well-preserved tree. Only 115 days ’til Christmas!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: LIC Life

August 31, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens 

#nyc #newyork #queens #lic

Taken by Chris Polinsky.

Bushwick Photo Du Jour: Suydam Street


Taken August 29, 2013.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Fly

August 30, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11206, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn 


Taken August 29, 2013.

The Latest Vito Lopez Mailer: Monopoly

(As left, by yours truly, next to a colossal explosion of human excrement on Melrose Street)


As you can see Vito “Gropez” Lopez has employed imagery from the game Monopoly. I for one find this more than a little appropriate.

Get_out_of_Jail_Free_for_the_Win_Wallpaper_JxHy (1)HELLOVITO

After all, Mr. Gropez  has for all intents and purposes received a get out of jail free card. Do NOT even get me started on what Vito probably thinks constitutes the “Community Chest”


Spotted On Green Street: Us & Them



Yes, gentle readers, it would appear our fair burgh— or at least Allen Green Street— has been pressed into service as Chinatown.




The film shoot in question is “Us & Them”



And here’s the rundown per a flyer located nearby as to what this endeavor is about…



Quicklink: WNYC


Choice quote/teaser:

…The biggest jolt in 2010 was the naming of a new Finance Committee chair. Quinn and her predecessor, Gifford Miller, had given this prize to Queens the previous eight years, a reward for the linchpin role that the 16 Queens Council votes had played in their elections to the speakership by a majority of the 51-member Council. The ironclad control that the Queens party leadership exercised over its Council delegation’s votes for speaker had allowed it to dominate Miller and then Quinn’s committee appointments, and Queens had nine committees, including Land Use and Finance, the pillars of Council power. Chairs aren’t free agents, and the speaker would ultimately call the big questions, but their powers are considerable, and a magnet for contributions.

Quinn appointed Dominick Recchia as Finance Committee chair. Besides the powers, Recchia also got the $18,000 salary bonus that went with the job, a surprisingly important prize to Council members whose base pay is $112,500.  Recchia, who did not respond to requests for comment, represents Coney Island, but he was so obeisant to Lopez that he was, at that very moment, using $2 million of his limited discretionary funds to subsidize Ridgewood Bushwick, as far away from his district as a buck could fly…

Why should we care about this you ask my fellow north Brooklynites? Very simple…


It would appear our incumbent Steve Levin (who, it has been established, is quite tight with Ms. Quinn) has accepted the above donation from Recchia— or at least his “friends”.Please take a moment to give this post by WNYC a listen. An informed voter is an empowered voter!

Closing on a related note, I feel compelled to share what is by far the best, B-E-S-T, campaign mailer yours truly has received to date (Lopez notwithstanding)…



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