Spotted On Graham Avenue: Ingenuity

July 3, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


If there is something this so-called “Brunch War” has taught me it is this: when there is revenue to be gained, local business owners can be downright inventive— be it by couching their argument as oppressing the brunching community (TIP: if you’re able to brunch— much less complain about the lack thereof—  online— you are probably not oppressed) or creative license in regards to sidewalk cafe rules (Hear me, Nights and Weekends?*). Which brings me to the above photograph which was taken today.

Sage is permitted a sidewalk cafe with nine tables and eighteen tables. The work-around: installing eight picnic tables with two benches attached to each respectively. Thus we have eight tables and sixteen pieces of seating! Genius!!!

*Who have since, to their credit, removed these stools.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Special Pre-July 4th Edition


From Graham Avenue.

Greenpoint WiFi Network Du Jour: Special Waiting For The Bus Edition

July 3, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 



I happened upon this curiosity while waiting— and waiting— for the B43 Bus at Nassau Avenue. After coming to the realization that the schedule posted is either a work of fiction or a VERY general guideline I decided to while away the time by checking my email. I found it rather apropos given the rather malodorous “perfume” which emanated with every passing Crosstown Local train beneath my feet. In any case folks: the neighborhood, it be a changin’.

Greenpoint, where affluence and effluence go hand-in-hand.*

*Props go out to my buddy Larry for this piquant observation.

Urban Artifacts: Divine Transformation


Taken July 3, 2013.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue


It would appear Josef has properly attired this retired parking meter for the upcoming storm!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Trappers/Vollies Needed!



Those of you who want to give a helping hand to our feral furry friends, here is your opportunity. The very nice folks of Neighborhood Cats need human helpers for a “TNR” (Trap Neuter and Return/Release) project right in our own backyard! Those who wish to volunteer or learn more about this project should email Lois or tnr (at) neighborhoodcats (dot) org. Be sure to indicate “TNR Project Greenpoint” in the subject line. Thanks— and spread the word!


Quicklink: The 12 Douchiest New York City Real Estate Ads Of All Time


Alas, MySpace Realty (as seen above and here) did not make the cut. Nonetheless, Buzzfeed’s selections are pretty cringe-worthy and not surprisingly Williamsburg is well represented…

The Word On The Street: Say It With Flowers


From Manhattan Avenue.

Urban Fur: Fresh Step

July 3, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Fur 



The aptly-named Prince protects the cat litter against theft at Pets On The Run. Is it just me, or do I sense a stellar product endorsement deal here?

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Sunset

July 3, 2013 ·
Filed under: New York City 


Taken by newporthomie.

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