From The New York Shitty Inbox: An Excellent Question

August 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A person we’ll call “G” writes today, August 26, 2012:

Miss Heather,

I’ve been apartment hunting in Williamsburg/Greenpoint for the last month and came across 239 Banker the other day. After meeting some spacecase “agent” and getting a tour of the building, I kept it on the list of potential rentals. Today I came across your blog and all this shitty info on the building/landlord/owners. How are they even allowed to be showing the place and renting it out? A couple happened to be getting a tour with me and my roommate as well and after, they put a deposit down on a 3 bedroom. Where can I get more info on this shady business? Thanks for the help.

“G” exercised something called “due diligence”. Thus, I recommended to him/her that before signing the lease to any apartment, one should consult the Department of Buildings’s web site.

As you can clearly see, in the case of 239 Banker Street there are quite a few red flags. As for why this space is still being showed by real estate agents: well, we’ll just say that is a result of “community organizing”

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Bloom!

Taken August 25, 2012.

New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: Lego Your Ego

From Smith Street.

New York Shitty Day Starter: And On It Goes

Looks like some more Loft Law “awareness”/“changing the script” needs to happen at 239 Banker Street.

Because the rest of us simply aren’t “getting it”.

P.S.: You didn’t really think I was going to quit showcasing the wretchedly comical farce that is this edifice? In any case “Joe” seems to specialize in room shares. For example:

  1. This
  2. And this.

But by far the following advertisement is my personal favorite.

If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say the towel holders are what made this apartment jump $300 in the above listing.

As you can see, they are quite nice. Nonetheless, Bushwick is just that: Bushwick.

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Urban Fur: Night Watch

August 25, 2012 ·
Filed under: Carroll Gardens, Carroll Gardens Brooklyn, Urban Fur 

From Smith Street.

The Word On The Street: A Court Street PSA

Now who can argue with that?

(Taken today, August 25, 2012)

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Sunshine Laundromat

Taken August 25, 2012.

New York Shitty Street Seating Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

Taken August 25, 2012.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: North 7 Street

August 25, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Taken August 23, 2012.

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Bedford Avenue

August 25, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Urban Artifact, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Taken August 23, 2012.

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