The Word On The Street, Part III: Gratitude

August 27, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, The Word On The Street, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

From North 7 Street.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Policy Advisory

August 27, 2012 ·
Filed under: Manhattan, New York City, Street Art 

POLICY ADVISORY Allswell does not necessarily end well. (15th St & 8th Ave; ACE/L train)

By Jilly Ballistic.

The Word On The Street, Part II: A Driggs Avenue PSA

Taken August 27, 2012.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Wythe Avenue

Taken August 27, 2012.

New York Shitty Street Seating Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue, Revisited

Sometimes Greenpoint is like a box of chocolates…

you never know what you’re gonna get. Bon appetit!

(The above-depicted documentation of the aftermath of one very enchanted— if not memorable— evening was captured for posterity today August 27, 2012.)

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Skate!

August 27, 2012 ·
Filed under: Ft. Greene, Ft. Greene Brooklyn 

Afropunk Festival 2012, Commodore Barry Park, Brooklyn: Skate

Taken by Scoboco.

The Word On The Street: A Smith Street Proclamation

August 27, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11201, Cobble Hill, Cobble Hill Brooklyn, The Word On The Street 

Taken August 25, 2012.

New York Shitty Day Starter: Take Note

August 27, 2012 ·
Filed under: 10003, East Village, East Village Manhattan 

Take Note

Taken by Pearce_Pics.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Poo & Destroy

August 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11201, Cobble Hill, Cobble Hill Brooklyn, The Word On The Street 

From Atlantic Avenue.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: 100 Days Of Summer

August 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: Jackson Heights, Jackson Heights Queens 

Summer in the City

Charles Le Brigand writes:

During summer, Armando sells pre-cut mangos, watermelon as well as ice cold tamarindo and horchata aguas outside his bodega in a quiet street in Jackson Heighs, Queens.


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