Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: North 7 Street

Taken July 26, 2012.

Greenpoint Feral Furniture Du Jour: West Street Selections

Taken July 26, 2012.

Lost On Franklin Street: Gary

July 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

I spied this flyer today at the intersection of Calyer Street. If you have seen Gary (who clocks in at 11 pounds and sports an ear tip) please contact his person at the above-listed email address or telephone number. Thanks!

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Production Lounge Gone For Good?

July 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A fellow we’ll call “M” writes July 25, 2012:

Spotted an Eviction notice on the front door of The Production Lounge tonight, didn’t have my camera/phone with me though. Maybe it’ll still be around tomorrow.

As you can see in the above photo (which was taken today) nary a notice is to be found. However, there is a “for rent” sign posted. Hmm…

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Another Bicyclist Hit?

July 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This item comes from our 50th Assembly District Democratic Leader (and all-around nice guy) Lincoln Restler. He writes:

I am emailing you because a good friend of mine was smashed by a car riding his bicycle in the early hours of Sunday morning at Graham and Skillman just a few blocks from C’s accident. A car stopped temporarily to let my friend pass and then the driver stuck his foot on the gas to hit him full force. He went flying and was knocked unconscious. He woke up in Woodhull. Not only was it a classic hit and run – but my friend’s bike was stolen. Well, actually he was borrowing another friend’s bike. It has been seen around the neighborhood, so I was wondering if you might do a post to get the word out that this is a stolen bike. Details below about the bike and my friend Tyler’s first person account of what happened. thanks so much.

Without further ado, here it is.

“On Saturday night I was hit by a car on a bicycle at the intersection of Graham and Skillman. I was knocked out cold from the collision and woke up in the Woodhull ER. Luckily I was wearing a helmet or it could have been much worse. The car took off and the bicycle was stolen form the scene sometime while I was unconscious or after the ambulance had taken me away. I am writing to ask for people to keep a look out for this bicycle, details below, in the neighborhood. A good friend had lent me the bike to ride home and we are desperately seeking to get it back in his hands (no questions asked). He is a free-lance reporter and relies on the bike to get around and cover the local news. It’s bad enough that this was a hit and run accident, but to have the bike disappear on top of it is just wrong. The local police (94th precinct) have been unhelpful, so we’re turning to the community. If you have any information about the bike or accident please contact me directly at tyler.griswold@gmail.com

Details on the bike:
It is a red Lemond Tourmalet steel-framed (59cm) road bike with Shimano components, white bar tape and a Fizik Arione saddle (this is important for the identification because I had put a fancy racing seat on it). The bike was in excellent condition, although the rear derailleur had a creak.”
This is one of the most infuckingsane things I have ever heard of happening here folks (and believe you me, I have seen/heard a lot). If you know of this bicycle’s whereabouts or bore witness to this accident please contact Tyler at the above-listed email address. Thanks.
UPDATE, 5:06 p.m.: No new news, but in my rush to post this item I forgot to pass along this wonderful resource one of my commenters has brought to my attention. Do take a moment to give this a read— and I hope none of you ever have to use it!

Spotted At 154 West Street: (Too Cute For Words)

July 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Once in a very blue moon I will see something that will make me stop and say “aw!”. This is one such case. Perhaps Paul is tired of waiting for WNYC Transmitter Park to open so he has taken matters (and a ballpoint pen) into his own hands? To this young man’s credit he has provided a solid date his facility will open. This is of course today.

In this respect this young fellow (and would-be entrepreneur?) has put our Parks Department (which is staffed by adults who seemingly cannot publicly issue a firm opening date for Transmitter Park. Instead it keeps getting pushed back.) to shame. Paul for Community Board 1 Parks Supervisor!

Today At 239 Banker Street…

July 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

…an agent showing the property to a prospective client?

And of course this.

It would appear that not merely being satisfied with illegally leasing out spaces at this edifice as residential space (and violating a Stop Work Order) our friends at 239 Banker have decided to kick it up a notch by adding this garbage can holder— or is it a bike rack?

It’s kind of hard to tell. In any case I can assure you this is quite illegal (it’s located on city property). Anyone care to call 311? Rounding out this, the latest but certainly not to be last, post about this property I leave you with this Craigslist advertisement…

and this recently issued disposition from the Department of Buildings.


From The New York Shitty Inbox: Stolen On Huron Street

A fellow named Michael writes:

Hey Heather,

Love the blog, as always. Sadly I have another stolen bike post. I was wondering if you could help my wife out by posting something on your blog.

My wife woke up to a stolen bike this morning. Her green 3rd Ward NYCBike was stolen last night/early this morning on Huron Street between Manhattan and Franklin.  The bike had a brown wicker basket, old-school Brooks saddle and NYC Street Memorial placard in the spokes. A pic is attached (pre-Brooks saddle). Contact Lindsay.Illion@gmail.com with any info.

Thanks again for any help.

If any north ‘Pointers have seen this bike or know of its whereabouts please contact its rightful owner at the above-listed email address. Thanks!

TONIGHT: Art Fundraiser At Gristle Tattoo

July 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Urban Fur, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

This item (whose flyer I absolutely adore) comes courtesy of a fellow named Howard. He writes:

Hi Heather,

I don’t think you know me, but I know of you through Dog Habitat Rescue (where I work) and various animal postings. I know you are an animal lover, so I was hoping you could help me advertise a fundraiser for an animal organization called Animal Farm Foundation. They are a progressive animal rescue and advocacy organization, focusing on “pit bull” issues. They really do good work and are an inspiring and positive organization. Here’s their website.

Our event is an Art Auction fundraiser, tomorrow (Thurs, July 26) from 7-10pm. We will have vegan snacks and beer and wine for free. The art work being donated is primarily from tattoo artists. We have some samples on our event page.

Most of the artists are local and some from Philly as well. Some will be in attendance too. We would really appreciate it if you could mention this in your blog. And/or come!!!

Those of you who are wondering what the Animal Farm Foundation is about should peruse their “about” page:

Animal Farm Foundation, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation, has been rescuing and re-homing animals, as well as making grants to other humane organizations, since the mid-1980’s. We are located in Dutchess County, NY.

We currently dedicate our resources to securing equal treatment and opportunity for “pit bull” dogs. Whether the dog is called a “pit bull” because of a documented pedigree, or merely on the basis of physical appearance, recognizing that these dogs are individuals for whom we are responsible is an integral step toward a compassionate future for all dogs.

When we started rescuing and rehoming dogs, we focused on American Pit Bull Terriers. Over time, we realized that the dogs we were helping were not necessarily pure bred American Pit Bull Terriers, but dogs that people called  “pit bulls.” “Pit bull” is not a breed or breed mix, but an ever expanding group that includes whatever an animal control officer, shelter worker, dog trainer, politician, dog owner, police officer or newspaper says it is.

This opened our eyes to the dogs in front of us. These are the dogs that need our help.

I wholeheartedly agree. Inasmuch as our City Council’s Public Safety Chair, Peter Vallone, likes to make hay about the dangers posed by these pups, the reality is there are no bad dogs— only bad owners.

Conversely, take the above fellow I encountered on Franklin Street earlier this week. His name is, appropriately enough, Petey. As you can see he is one happy (if slightly goofy) guy. He is quite loved. Wouldn’t it be nice if all his brothers and sisters had a reason to smile (like he does)? Check it out!

Art Fundraiser for the Animal Farm Foundation (NOTE: this is not in any way affiliated with Dog Habitat Rescue)
July 16, 2012 (that’s today!) starting at 7:00 p.m.
Gristle Tattoo
178 North 8 Street
Brooklyn, new York 11211

New York Shitty Day Starter: BQE

July 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Bird and Skull Sculpey tag

Taken by Scoboco.

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