Greenpoint Photo du Jour: A Green Street PSA
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, The Natives Are Getting Restless
Taken October 27, 2011.
New York Shitty Photo du Jour: Evergreen Place
Filed under: 11206, 11237, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, East Williamsburg, East Williamsburg Brooklyn, Street Art
Taken October 24, 2011.
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Halloween Costume Contest At The Habitat!
Nicole, the fabulous head honcha of the Habitat, writes:
Hi Heather!
Just wanted to pass along our flyer for Halloween this weekend, if you’re interested in posting on your site. We are having a costume contest throughout the night, judging happens at midnight with a $100 cash prize for best costume! This year we went with a video game theme. Customers are not required to dress for the theme but our staff does so it kind of all goes together. Anyway, I attached some pics of the installation we did on Monday so you could see what I’m referring to. Pretty fun stuff!
Very nice, indeed!
Halloween Costume Contest
October 29, 2011 (judging starts at midnight)
The Habitat
988 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Southside Photos du Jour: Halloween 365 Days A Year
I have featured this window (which can be found on South 1st Street between Havemeyer Street and Driggs Avenue) on a number of occasions. While the arrangement changes from time to time I can personally attest that the subject matter remains the same: dolls, horror movie characters and acts of mutilation. Note the solitary ghost at the bottom right-hand corner. A nod to All Hallow’s Eve, perhaps? Only the mind behind this masterpiece knows for certain.
In any case I have to confess I am pretty fond of this new addition!
Williamsburg Halloween Watch: Fillmore Place
There was a little street, just a block long, which lay between Grand Street and North Second Street, called Fillmore Place. This little street was obliquely opposite the house my grandfather owned and in which we lived. It was the most enchanting street I have ever seen in all my life, It was the ideal street— for a boy, a lover, a maniac, a drunkard, a crook, a lecher, a thug, an astronomer, a musician, a poet, a tailor, a shoemaker, a politician. In fact this was just the sort of street it was, containing just such representatives of the human race, each one a world unto himself and all living together, a solid corporation, a close knit human spore which could not disintegrate unless the street itself disintegrated. — Henry Miller, Tropic of Capricorn
TODAY: Greenpoint Film Festival
That’s right folks: tonight kicks off the First Annual Greenpoint Film Festival! You can view a full itinerary and R.S.V.P. by clicking here.
Greenpoint Film Festival
October 27 – October 30th; opening reception starts at 6:00 p.m.
222 West Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
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