Urban Fur, Part II: Parsnip
Today as yours truly was knocking around north Brooklyn I embarked upon an inner journey of discovery (so as to distract myself from the stifling humidity). More specifically, I was musing to myself about how very few things surprise me anymore. Some would say this simply comes from living in New York City (and being jaded). I beg to differ: the mis-education of Miss Heather started long before that. For example, I recall while in collage going to a boyfriend’s house unannounced and knocking on the door only to have him answer while wearing a slip and a bra. Was I surprised by this turns of events? Definitely. But did I lose my cool? Absolutely not. Rather, I calmly asked why he was dressed in such a manner. He, in turn, explained to me that it helps him relax. I cannot honestly say I understand this (bras and slips are hardly my cup of tea) but then again, I am not a guy. So it goes.
I mention the previous anecdote because today as I was strolling down North 6 Street I saw something rather extraordinary: a woman walking while chatting on a cell phone…
with a cat perched upon her shoulder.
Did I ask this lass why she had a cat on her shoulder? No. It has been my experience that asking questions can (and often does) result in answers for which one may not be prepared. (If this is unclear, gentle readers, please re-read the anecdote which kicks off this post.)
Rather, I inquired of her furry friend’s name. She replied:
I found this to be a pretty nifty name.
As you can see, Parsnip was not the least bit distressed by doing a little shopping. He (or she) took it all in stride.
Which is exactly what I did. Just another day in Williamsburg, folks…
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Fashion Watch: A Splash of Color
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy
This morning yours truly got up bright and early to take a walk. Heatwave be damned. I make such sacrifices for my readership.
I was quickly rewarded for my perseverance when I met the above lass. Her name is Liz and I found her fashion sense quite stunning.
I asked her if she made the above necklace (which as you will note includes an abacus: this appealed to my inner nerd in a big, big way). She answered to the negative; she found it while working at a second-hand store and was immediately smitten. This is understandable for a number of reasons— especially since (as I later learned) she is a fashion designer. You can (and should) view Liz’s work by clicking here. It’s seriously fun stuff!
Miss Heather
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