Daily Bloomblight: Thank You For Not Smoking
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
Methinks maintaining a smoke-free environment is the least of this property’s (which is located at 164 West Street) problems.
Miss Heather
P.S.: The sun is out and it’s a balmy 46 degrees. I am going for a walk. More later.
New York Shitty Day Ender: And The Winner Is…
The Mister and I have reviewed the entries and surprisingly enough quickly agreed on the winning entry. I had my cell phone handy lest we needed a tie breaker. No need. Before I proceed I’d like to take a moment for a couple of honorable mentions.
Miss Heather’s Choice:
Actually, the only irony here is that the person drinking this was actually old and English. — Walrus Taco
This one is headed in the right direction, but it doesn’t address “800”. Close, but no cigar.
Mister Heather’s Choice:
Olde English 800: It’s gotten to that point. Time for help. — Em Two
We both laughed our asses off at this one but felt “Time for help” was a bit redundant. If you’re drinking Olde English 800 with a straw this is already apparent. No need to belabor the issue.
And now without further ado the winner:
Olde English 800: Suck it like a Slurpee, Crush it like a Motherfucker. — Em Two
Congratulations Em Two! I will be getting in touch with you regarding your prize in the next day or two. This week I present for your enjoyment this specimen from Greenpoint’s very own Bushwick Inlet!
There is something elegantly practical about this. Not only does the rubber band keep the bag secure, but it provides a good grip so as to resist slippage. Who wants to cry over spilled Courvoisier? What’s more, it is eerily reminiscent of something one would see on There, I Fixed It. I like it!
The deadline for captioning this bad boy is Monday, February 1, 2010 5:00 p.m. EST. I haven’t determined a prize yet but I’ll come up with something. Get cracking folks!
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Street Art Du Jour: !!!
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Street Art
From Java Street.
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Calyer Street Cares
When I see something such as this it brings a smile to my face. This is not to suggest I take what has happened in Haiti lightly, I don’t. Rather, the above flier is proof positive that my fellow Greenpointers have huge hearts. If you want to make a difference you can make a donation to the Red Cross by clicking here or you can attend the fundraiser at t.b.d, Souper Trivia Night 2, this upcoming Thursday, January 28. For the full rundown regarding the latter click here.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Bike Buffet?
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
Think your wheels are safe and sound if they’re in your apartment building? Think again. A Calyer Street tipster writes:
Two bicycles stolen over the weekend, including my partner’s. They did not take all the bikes, just the ones that were used the most and therefore easiest to get to. did not even take the most expensive bikes… It’s been five years that we’ve lived here and have never had to lock the bikes. It was definitely a crime of opportunity but it’s terrible – my partner and the other guy whose bike was stolen USED their bikes almost every day. everyone else whose bike was shoved in the corner rarely rides, even if their bikes were more expensive.
now i’m just worried that the thieves will come back and help themselves to the bike buffet. and i want another lock on my door.
Let this be a warning to you, my Williamspoint bicycle enthusiasts. Play it safe: be hypervigilant about keeping the entrance of your apartment building locked at all times. Better yet, keep your bicycle in your apartment. Better to suffer a little inconvenience than discover your bike has gone for a ride without you!
Miss Heather
A Very Special Request From The Editrix of New York Shitty
Filed under: 11211, 11215, Gowanus, Park Slope, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn
Yesterday the Mister decided to accompany me on my Sunday constitutional. All in all, he took it in good stride (no pun intended) and humored my numerous detours to get a closer of look at things I consider interesting. This of course included savoring the handiwork of north Brooklyn’s real estate juggernaut: Belvedere Bridge Realty. While he may not understand why, he knows I have a developed a fascination with these faux classical, serial numbered properties. He also knows that with such magnificent obsessions (and I have quite a few) it is best to humor yours truly.
To this end he stood by patiently as I tittered myself into a shutter-bugging frenzy at the sight of Belvedere XXXIV (which can be seen at left and is located on Withers Street) and listened (or at least appeared to be listening) to my wry commentary regarding the numerous “Open House” fliers we happened upon during our sojourn. Some even had balloons affixed to them. I can only hope the promise of free pony rides and clowns making balloon animals are next. But I digress.
It was at the intersection of Berry Street and North 9 Street we found the following. We were rendered speechless.
The Belvederization of Park Slope?!? Needless to say I had to get to the bottom of this (inasmuch as one can without G train service). We headed to the closest Belvedere without delay.
Sure enough, it is true! Replete with all the accoutrements we have grown to expect from Belvedere: commodious roof decks and balconies. Needless to say I must see this. However, I am more or less precluded from going to 125 12 Street personally. I am not only too busy with matters north Brooklyn but quite frankly doling out $2.25 in subway fare strikes me as being far too much money to outlay on such an endeavor.
This is where you come in: could some kind soul get a photograph of this property and send it to me via email at missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com? I’m dying to see Belvedere XXXVI. Especially in light of the fact this edifice is conveniently located near Lowes, the Brooklyn Queens Expressway and the aromatic Gowanus Canal. Who wouldn’t want an eyeful (or noseful) of that!
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Chalk Walk
This much-needed splash of color on this dreary day comes courtesy of Katie Sokoler. You can read the story behind these footprints by clicking here.
Miss Heather
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