New York Shitty Day Starter: Post Holiday Weekend Edition

July 6, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From Green Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: A Tale Of Two Cities

July 5, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Queens 


As I have previously mentioned I spent today knocking around Little Neck and Douglaston with Kevin Walsh. One commenter, dc108, was concerned about Mr. Walsh’s welfare and wrote:

Did you really drag that poor man out while he’s recovering from heart surgery?

That “poor man” drug yours truly and the Mister for a three mile walk! I’m exhausted— but so much so to preclude sharing a slide show and a few thoughts.

1. Cherry Street, Greenpoint and Cherry Street, Douglaston are quite different.
2. In fact, Greenpoint and Douglaston are very different in a number of ways:

  • Among other things Greenpoint has a lot less “green” in it than Douglaston. With greenery comes insects. I had the pleasure of being bitten by a number of them.
  • But Douglaston, not being Greenpoint, I had the peace of mind to know my lesions were probably not bedbug induced.
  • Douglaston smells good, Greenpoint nowadays not so much.
  • Greenpoint has its fair share of dysfunctional pay phones. But when someone in Douglaston destroys a public pay phone he (or she) is thoughtful enough to put the receiver back on the hook.

But enough talk… on with the show!

All in all I found Douglaston to be a very nice place… but I wouldn’t want to live there. Sure it has trees, flowers aplenty, and a lovely waterfront but it is sorely lacking in other “amenities” like men perusing pornography in public parks and a nature walk which is located on the premises of the largest waste treatment plant on the eastern seaboard. It is appointments such as the previous that make living in the Garden Spot of the Universe so special.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: An Eyewitness Account Of Last Night’s Fire

July 5, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


J (who took the above photograph) writes:

Hi Miss Heather –

Saw the plume erupt just as the regular fire works were lighting up on the Hudson from my friend’s roof and started to count off the blocks north of Metropolitan. Apparently some hipster douchebags were setting off rocket fireworks on Wythe and N.9th and one went into the sawdust hopper of Rosenwach Water Tank. Way to go douchebags! Another Williamsburg institution ruined!!

Cops and Fire Dept are investigating, with probable arrest and incarceration coming soon since it sounds like alot of people know who did it and knowing the wburg gossip train, the city should know within a few more hours once loose lips sink somebody’s yacht. And probably somebody is gonna get their ass beat too, because those guys are working stiffs, and now probably a good dozen of them are out of a job. Thanks a lot douchebags!!

“Oh, we’re sorry, we’re sorry!”

I’m friggin pissed off.

So there have you. For more information check out Brooklyn11211’s update.

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: Tired (Of Waiting)

July 5, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crosstown Local, Long Island City, Queens 


From Queens Plaza.

Miss Heather

Long Island City Photo Du Jour: A Sign Of The Times

July 5, 2009 ·
Filed under: Long Island City, Queens 


This lovely reminder of the state of our economy (and the blight these newspaper stands pose to our community) is located at Court Square and was the crowning touch to my day trip to Douglaston, Queens under the tutelage/guidance of the ever fbulous Kevin Walsh of Forgotten-NY. You can look forward to seeing highlights from my journey later this evening— so stay tuned!

Miss Heather

4th Of July Wrap Up

July 5, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 




As you can see the lack of fireworks on the East River did nothing whatsoever to dampen the festivities here in North Brooklyn. If anything, things were much more lively than usual. During my brief sojourn to points Green and beyond I spied a number of block parties, a fist fight on Bedford Avenue and a rather large fire on Kent Avenue (Anyone out there know what that was about? There were fire trucks FOR BLOCKS*). But the highlight or nadir (this is contingent on one’s musical tastes) of the evening was to be found on my journey home: a spontaneous Michael Jackson dance-a-thon was in effect on Franklin Street.

Speaking as someone who was not and is not a fan of the King of Pop even I have to confess: it was pretty impressive.

Miss Heather

*Mystery solved! See the comments for the 411. Otherwise I fixed the dead link regarding the fist fight on Bedford Avenue. Was in a hurry to get out of the house this morning!

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Independence Day Sunset

July 5, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 




From Bushwick Inlet.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Fireworks

July 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 


From West Street.

Miss Heather

NEXT WEEK: A Ribbon Cutting With Mayor Mike!

July 3, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 



Some of you probably know ground has been broken for the new soccer field which will grace Bushwick Inlet Park. What you probably do not know is (per a most curious anonymous source) I have been told there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony with none other than our fair Mayor as well as “other elected officials and Commissioner Benepe” this upcoming Monday, July 6, 2009! The festivities will kick off at either 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. (I am awaiting confirmation for all of this— if/when I get a firm time and date I will post them here.) Let’s celebrate!

Or not.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony For the New Soccer Field At Bushwick Inlet Park
Monday, July 6, 2009
Time: Either 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. (time and date to be confirmed) 11:00 a.m.
Kent Avenue between North 11 & 12 Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Why hasn’t this event been announced to the general public, you ask? That’s an excellent question! Why not pop by on Monday and ask Mayor Mike and/or Mr. Benepe in person?

Miss Heather

*Or would that be WNYC Transmitter Park? As you can see in the following photographs (taken at 7:30 this evening) the stage is being set for something to go down there. Soon.




This is a fucking joke.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Gearing Up For The 4th

July 3, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From T & N Wine And Liquors on Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

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