New York Shitty Day Starter: A Splash Of Color On A Gray Day

June 18, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


From Berry Street.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Focused

June 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 



From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: BEER!

June 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


When I stumbled upon this yesterday I knew I simply had to pass it along here. It is part of the old Shaeffer Brewery and hails from South 9 Street and Kent Avenue. Any and all of you who have the time and means should swing by and check it out. It’s absolutely stunning!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A High Speed Chase On Huron?

June 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Tyler writes:

hadn’t seen anything on your blog regarding a rather terrifying high speed police chase which took place on saturday, june 13. my roommate and a friend from out of town stepped out onto huron street at approximately 2:30 am to move their car from one side of the street to the other. when my roommate got out of the vehicle on the north side
of huron street, he was very nearly run down by a car which was going at least 70 mph, followed by police in pursuit- all GOING THE WRONG WAY UP HURON towards provost. we live between mcguinness and provost, so the driver hit a dead end at the waste treatment plant, crashed into a moving car*, and ran off. i have no idea if they managed to
apprehend anyone. but the main question is why are the police chasing someone doing 70 going the wrong way on a one way street? all involved including the police came very close to flattening my roommate and his friend. the police did not come back up the street to talk with us or to take any statements from anyone. this brush with death has left us a bit shaken, especially after the recent tragedy under similar circumstances on manhattan. what’s with all the high speed pursuits? is catching some kids who stole a van worth running over the residents? scary trend.

would be interested to hear if you know any details about this or know
what, if anything, happened to the suspect(s)…

I have to confess this is news— and very bad news at that— to me. Anyone out there know anything about this incident?

Very scary indeed!

Miss Heather

*Reputedly an ambulance was called.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Dear John

June 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

A BIG red flag in New York Shitty inbox is:

  1. Any missive written after midnight
  2. Especially when written by a “professional journalist” under the influence of substances be they legal or otherwise. Or simply too angry, arrogant and/or bereft of spell check to give a shit.

John Doe wrote on June 17, 2009 at 12:48 a.m.:


Someone told me about an angry post on your site concerning the graffiti story. I read it and although I can’t speak for the hotel story (WTF???—-  Miss H), which was mentioned, your post did make yet another mention of the graffiti story and what you called an “apology” that I sent you.

That e-mail wasn’t quite an apology, I didn’t do anything wrong, it was more of an explanation. I felt it was my responsibility to share my point of view, not to apoligive for a misdeed…

If that is true, John, please explain this, written May 9, 2009:

It was not my intention to “lift” a story from anyone. I was not aware of the story on the “NYShitty” web site, but since the story has been published in the Post, I have received e-mails brining the “NYShitty” story to my attention. They did an admirable job, I respect their work and it does appear that they had photos posted on their site before the story was brought to my attention, therefore they clearly had the story first….

So I had the story first. This is true. You invited me to “have a beer” via a second party. I was too busy to take up your offer. What’s more, I am an oenophile. Look it up. You might learn something.

You wrote on June 17, 2009:

….I responded to each e-mail I received from your readers and in doing so, I invited each person, including yourself, to contact me directly to discuss this issue. I have not received a single call.

With a response like the following (written by you on May 8, 2009) I wonder why no one responded to your offer?

Dear Sir,

I was unaware of this “New York Shitty” article. Not something I read. I did notice some referance to the grafitti on the web, that is true but and I went to Greenpoint, I photographed the grafittti and I did my job, a bit of research and I, unlike “New York Shitty” or anyone else, was able to find someone to translate it.
I did not see that translation, or information from the police, anywhere else, including “New York Shitty” threfore I would consider the information in teh Post article exclusive. It was not my decision to slap an exclusive tag on the article but I do not dispute it.

So next time New York Shitty, or any other web site that I am not aware of, lifts content of my work from the New York Post, I will be sure to write them a letter acusing them of plagerism.

Thanks for the e-mail.

You wrote on June 17, 2009:

…On Monday night, I attended the meeting of the 94th Precinct Community Council. As a police reporter, in addition to working on stories about graffiti, I visit the occasional council meeting, just about every night of the week. I was hoping I would finally meet you to discuss this issue in person but sadly, I was disappointed.

Disappointed. That’s how I feel when I leave most 94th Precinct Community Council meetings. Hence why I go to them on and off. Nonetheless I’m glad to know you partook of the Orwellian experience that is D.I.Fulton telling us everything is OK when all evidence to contrary says it is not. But would I know? I am only a blogger. Who lives here. You’re the expert.

You wrote on June 17, 2009:

Again, I am going to say, I respect the work you do but I don’t respect the finger pointing and accusations you are making at my expense. If their is something you want to discuss with me, or accuse me of something, please feel free to give me a call. I would be more than happy to discuss any concerns you have. The beers are on me!

You respect my work inasmuch as it give you leads. Stories you can profit on. For free. I am your (and many others) a pro bono tipster. I write about my neighborhood because I give a damn; you play for pay. The same can be said about other blogs the New York Post has ripped off.

If “their” is something you want to discuss with me you can do it via email. I don’t want your beer, John. I want something more costly: your respect.

I deserve it.

Thanks for the e-mail!

Miss Heather

P.S.: It is neither my intent nor desire to ruin your career in journalism, John. You’re doing damned too good job of doing so on your own.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Notes From “The Bounty”

June 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Hat ManNYS

Inasmuch as I think film shoots in north Greenpoint are becoming excessive* I have to confess a certain amount of curiosity about them. Hence why when I woke up early this morning I wandered down Manhattan Avenue to see how The Bounty was coming along.


Truth be told it was pretty boring. A lot of people with walkie talkies wrangling extras and pedestrians alike. Including myself.

Uncle Samnys

From what I could gather the Uncle Sam on stilts had some stunt action coming. I didn’t wait. I had an appointment to get my hair cut at 11:00 a.m. and I was not about to miss it because:

  1. I really needed a haircut. My tresses have grown a life of their own. They were well on their way to getting their own zip code.
  2. Anna at Zoe’s gives a mean cut. Cheap.

But I did get some footage of a motorcade of wonderful vintage cars driving past the Greenpoint Hotel. If this following is any indication, 11222’s (least) favorite den of iniquity* will be preserved in perpetuity by “The Bounty”. Enjoy!

I also took a number of photographs. The following are my favorites. Enjoy!

When I told Anna that Greenpoint had become Bensonhurst today she made a very piquant observation:

Why can’t they film Bensonhurst in Bensonhurst?


Miss Heather

P.S.: You can see more pix of today’s shoot by clicking here.

*Step Up 3 on West Street, Boardwalk Empire on Commercial Street (though to be fair, they have their own sandbox to play in courtesy of George Klein) and this, on Manhattan Avenue. It’s a bit much. Really.

**Not only is Max Stark and the craptastic hovel he presides over party poopers on this ad hoc 4th of July, but his men are still busy at work at 239 Banker Street.

239 Banker Street at work

Stop work orders and no Certificate of Occupancy be damned.


Hence why Greenpoint has the first “transient hotel” that sports floor plans, kitchens, washer dryer facilities and no beds— unless you count those of the floral variety.


Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: A Lazy Day Of Summer

June 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From Green Street.

Miss Heather

Thoughts From The Southside

June 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Street Art, Williamsburg 


Havemeyer Street


South 3rd Street


Wythe Avenue

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Recession Watch: Yes He Can!

June 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Recession, Williamsburg 

Much has been made about the recession— namely how to generate employment opportunities for the numerous unfortunate folks who have lost their jobs. Some have proposed the government create a W.P.A.esque entity to get people back to work. Others advocate job training. And today I learned that someone in Williamsburg— in the true rugged individualist tradition of pulling one up by one’s own bootstraps— has taken matters into his own hands by diversifying his marketable skill set. Albeit at the possible expense of his dignity.


Any and all in need of a kitty mortician, honey dipper and/or boyfriend-for-hire this is your man. This brash new entrepreneur in a brave new economy also purports to cook, clean, do laundry and assemble bookshelves. In an uncertain world where you can count on no one to fish that errant turd out of your tank or lay you dead pet to rest I find this man’s moxie curiously refreshing. When everyone tells you Hell no— I won’t!, he’ll say:

Yes I can!

For a fee. This is America after all.

As you can see all the tabs on this advertisement have been taken— and very enthusiastically at that. It’s anyone’s guess whether this missive has secured this gent anything in the way of gainful employment— but I’d wager it has probably netted him more than a few marriage proposals!

Miss Heather

Spotted In Greenpoint: Miss Gowanus

June 16, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This morning before my hair appointment I decided to swing by The Bounty film shoot on Manhattan Avenue and see what’s shaking. Everyone was clad in their finest 4th of July fettle— except me, of course. Decked out in my Mao hat and sporting a dour expression that could be interpreted as “I hate capitalist oppressors.” (but in actuality means “I have forgone my usual morning cup of coffee”) I stuck out like a sore thumb. That is until I saw this.

Beauty QueensNYS

Miss GowanusNYS

The thought of a beauty queen (or in this case queens— three of them to be exact) representing the only body of water I know of that has the clap— standing only a used condom’s toss from another equally revolting waterway— put me in fits of uncontrollable laughter. Then I thought the better of it: why not? Hell, why we’re at it why not have a Miss Newtown Creek contest? It could be fun! Any takers?

You can look forward to more images from today’s film shoot (including a little live footage) later so stay tuned!

Miss Heather

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