North Brooklyn Street Art Du Jour: Supply & Demand

June 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Street Art, Williamsburg 


From Bushwick Avenue.

Miss Heather

THIS WEEKEND: Beer & Bellydancing For BARC

June 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


Mimi Fontana of Manhattan Tribal Belly Dance writes:

Hi Miss Heather!

I love your blog :-)  and thought maybe you could post a flyer for our event?  I’m doing a “Belly Dancers for BARC” benefit show at the Boulevard Tavern on Meeker this Saturday from 6pm-10pm.  We’ve gotten beer donations from Weinstephaner & Harpoon and all profits from those sales will go to BARC as well as whatever we make on a raffle we’re putting together.  No cover charge, belly dance performances by my company, Manhattan Tribal and other local dancers….

All the best and thank you!

A Beer & Bellydance Benefit for BARC
Saturday, June 27 starting at 6:00 p.m.
Boulevard Tavern
579 Meeker Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

For more information about this event (including a list of featured performers) click here and you will directed to Miss Fontana’s web site.

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: A Walk Down Ten Eyck Street

June 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Street Art, Williamsburg 









Taken June 23, 2009

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Special Senate Stalemate Edition

June 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Street Art, Williamsburg 


From North 13 Street.

Miss Heather

More People In Our Neighborhood

June 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

After taking a relaxing and invigorating day off from the Interwebs (Hey, even I need to take a break from the computer every now and then!) I will open and close today’s offerings with some more great photographs from Tony Luib. Enjoy!

crazy mouthLUIB

Crazy mouth drunk guy who vomited in front of me

deal going downLUIB

Deal going down

lady hopefully not looking for smokesLUIB

Lady hopefully not looking for smokes

lady in pink smokingLUIB

Lady in pink smoking

lady in green

Lady in green

lil willy closeup

Lil Willy close-up

madison ave meets manhattan aveLUIB

Madison Ave meets Manhattan Ave


Puerto Rico

standing sleeping man with cane

Standing sleeping man with cane

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Broke, But Not Broken

June 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Recession, Williamsburg 


From Bedford Avenue.

Miss Heather

Reader Question Of The Week

June 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

The following email was intended to be private correspondence but I feel compelled to post it here as a number of readers might find it of interest.

Anonymous writes:

Hi Miss Heather!

1) I love your blog.  I still don’t know how the hell you have the time to update it so often- but I likes.

2) Did you hear that Papacitos was robbed yesterday?  Somebody stole a 200lb safe from the back room.

3)  I see that there are community board meetings.  How do I find out about when they take place?  I’m getting a little piffed about what’s been happening in the neighborhood lately.

Thanks for your help!  Keep up the great work!

First and foremost thanks for the kind words, Anonymous. They are greatly appreciated. To answer your second question: yes, I am aware that Papasitos was burglarized. From what I have heard (so take this as hearsay) no broken locks were found and the police have hypothesized the bandits made their getaway by climbing up a stack of chairs and toting that 200 pound safe across several rooftops.

As for your third question my advice is as follows:

Although you can voice your concerns to our local Community Board (and I am NOT discouraging you from doing just this) the fact of the matter is this is not the most appropriate forum. This is a police matter and as such your time would be better spent attending the next 94th Precinct Community Council meeting. For those of you who are not in the know these meetings run as follows:

  1. A general review of the minutes from the previous meeting and miscellaneous announcements
  2. D. I. Fulton gives a rundown of the crime statistics for the last 28 day period
  3. A Q & A session with D. I. Fulton

Point #3 constitutes the bulk of these meetings and questions are not limited to incidents which have come to pass (such as the Papasitos robbery). You can also (to use real examples) air concerns about any suspicious activity you have witnessed, tip him off to illegal truck traffic (this is a biggie), complain about honking school buses, etc. You get the idea.

It is my understanding that the next 94th Precinct Community Council meeting will be in September. The same goes for Community Board One.* (Hey, they need a summer vacation just like the rest of us!) You can find the meeting schedules for each by clicking here and here.

I hope this is helpful.

Miss Heather

*See the Ms Nomer’s comment regarding this. There WILL be a meeting in July possibly August as well.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Beautiful Polish Girls

June 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Last week the Mister and I took Larry da Junkman our to dinner. So elated was he, a father of two small children, to at long last have a night out (albeit with a 10:00 p.m. curfew) he exclaimed:

Let’s go to a strip club!

I replied:

The only one I can think of is Pumps by the Metropolitan Avenue Bridge. There’s no way in hell I am going there. One time (name excised) did. He watched a bored dancer strip on stage while a solitary onlooker made paper footballs and flicked them at her.

Firmly ensconced in the armpit of English Kills— a place that is cringe-worthy enough in daylight— can you honestly blame me for putting the kibosh on an evening’s worth of “adult” entertainment? What’s more, with reviews like this:

First of all, it’s called Pumps.  Secondly, it’s an old diner car turned into a strip club.  You can get a lap dance in the “private viewing area”, but it’s just behind an old shower curtain about 2 feet from the bar.  Oh, and the girls dance on a couple of poles thrown in behind the old counter where once someone ate a fried egg or something.  And the cash machine has a $5 surcharge.  It’s insane.

I wouldn’t set foot in this establishment without a hazmat suit. Alas, a more palatable alternative manifested in my inbox shortly thereafter.



Jay Lombard (who took the above photographs) writes:

If you saw this sign wouldn’t you assume that the establishment was a place where you got to see ALL of the girls? Well it’s actually the Onyx on Morgan and Nassau.

Two days late and a solitary dollar (excitedly shoved into some anonymous woman’s g-string) short is the sad story of my life. Oh well, maybe next time.

Miss Heather

Great Moments In Real Estate Advertising: Full Disclosure

June 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Manhattan 


It doesn’t get any more upfront than this! This wonderful advertisement hails from the Bowery and was captured by Dale Harris. Speaking as someone who has dealt with her fair share of crazy landlords, someone could make a fortune manufacturing these signs. Just fill in the blanks.

Great find, Dale!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Turbo

June 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 




From Franklin Street.

Miss Heather

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