Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Head Hoods

May 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 






From Huron Street.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: Il Duce

May 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Street Art, Williamsburg 


From North 6th Street.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Another One Bites The Dust

May 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Recession 









From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: DANGER

May 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Street Art, Williamsburg 


Yeah, I featured this piece of street art (albeit one at a different location) earlier this week— but hey, it’s a holiday weekend folks! It’s time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. What’s more some things— like men screaming on toilets— never get old.

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend everybody!

Miss Heather

Found In Williamsburg: The Duke

May 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


From North 3rd Street.

Miss Heather

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

May 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Asshole, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

(For hypocrisy!)

Ever since David Yassky (and his mother) decided his incompetence should be taken to a higher level, e.g.; New York City Comptroller my inbox has been teeming with missives from his minions about his many good deeds. Usually I ignore them bit this one is such a pisser I can’t resist posting it.


It goes on to say:

The priority of the Brooklyn Heights Association has been preservation of the low scale context of the Brooklyn Bridge and the best site for a new Middle School for the district. The current proposal, as well as the subsequent recommendation from the Department of City Planning, does not adequately reduce the size of the project to a scale that maintains the character of the immediate context or the integrity of the bridge itself,” said Tom van den Bout, President of the Brooklyn Heights Association. “An equally important, yet separate issue is whether the proposed building offers the most appropriate place for a much needed middle school. It is deeply troubling that the site selection process, and subsequent negotiation with the developer, has been so completely opaque. We seriously question whether a more appropriate site, offering a larger size and a more central location is not available.

Once again:

No other civilized country would permit this type of development to encroach upon and dominate its most sacred landmarks, whether we are talking about the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel Tower, or St. Paul’s Cathedral. If this project is approved, future generations will wonder at the shortsightedness of our political leaders, who approved a parking garage and retail spaces within one hundred feet of the American equivalent of the Eiffel Tower.


Yet— Councilman David Yassky— the defender of Brooklyn’s history— had no qualms about cock-blocking the land marking of this Cass Gilbert building, AKA: 184 Kent Street. Probably because the developer/Wolf Block/Kenny Fisher paid him off. Via Gotham Gazette:

Council member David Yassky, who represents the district where the building is located, led the fight to overturn the commission’s decision.

“This is simply not worthy of landmarking,” said Yassky.

Recently, Yassky helped broker a deal for the developer to give $335,000 to build affordable housing in the area in return for permission to alter the Austin Nichols building.

“I believe that the future of the waterfront is in residential development, and that is what we should be promoting,” he said.

Yassky was able to convince most of his colleagues, including Simcha Felder, who chairs the council’s landmarks committee, to support him.

“This is a piece of trash,” said Felder. “We should knock it down and put something nice up.”

So as to build something “nice” like this, perhaps? Or do only the more affluent neighborhoods in your gerrymandered district deserve protection? As a resident of north Brooklyn I wonder at your “short-sightedness” every day Mr. Yassky.

You met with Bob Guskind (deceased) last December. The 16th if my memory serves me correctly. This meeting was at your behest. As a close friend of Bob’s I can tell you he had trepidations about it. He said it would be much harder to “riff” on you if he met you in person, e.g.; you’d come off as a nice reasonable guy, etc. He was a “softie” that way. And as his friend (he recounted your conversation to me)  I can say you succeeded. Somewhat. He said you came off “politician”. You made all the reasonable arguments. And then some.

Among the “concerns” you raised which he agreed with were derelict and abandoned properties. You laid blame on the MTA and the “city” for lack of planning. Simply put, you “kicked the can”.  That’s easy to do when you don’t have to look at the following everyday. So much “trash” and lives trampled under foot by your vision of “progress”.

You are responsible, Dave.  As the ostensible chair of  the Newtown Creek Monitoring Committee you don’t show up much; you send your “community liaison”, Rami Metal, instead. Rami has started NBPac to get the artists engaged in their own eradication. You are ephemerally fighting for Newtown Creek and yet are against Superfunding Gowanus? Perhaps all the previous are why you are shilling for a to have “illegal” gates torn down and have effectively co-opted parks groups in north Brooklyn in partnership with OSA? And have licked Vito Lopez’s devil’s onion ring? You’ll do anything to get elected, David. You have no principles. Robert Guskind made this all too clear to me.

I didn’t go to the Brooklyn Blogfest this month but someone I know did. This was his first (and hopefully last) encounter with your funky bunch:

I knew nothing about David Yassky until I was approached by his minions at the blogfest last week. He actually got on stage and thank god the sound sucked there because no one heard his 5  minute spiel. His assistants, who, all look like hipsters or at least are in disguise to try and get the hipster vote came up to me prob because i was wearing a superfund gowanus tshirt. This guy with a handlebar moustache started trying to convince me otherwise about the superfund, the timeline being their  biggest worry (it will slow down the course of development) I gave him an earful and i think he didn’t expect me to be as informed about what is going on, who the players are, what exactly is wrong with the canal etc….this other girl stepped in and tried to change the course of the conversation by telling me about some mural project on india street…

I would not elect you, David Yassky, as an apprentice lavatory attendant, dog catcher, fluffer or pin setter at a bowling alley. All the previous “professions” are out-dated. As are you. What frightens me more than anything is the possibility/probability you will drop out of the Comptroller race and run for another term (courtesy of the term limits you overturned) in City Council. So you can screw over  my neighborhood more thoroughly.

You will not get my vote either way. And I will encourage everyone I know to vote against you. And yours.

To quote Jack Nicholson:

This town needs an enema.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Street Shallots

May 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Yesterday as I was walking down the valley of the shadow of Greenpoint’s death (West Street between Calyer Street and Greenpoint Avenue) I smelled shallots. Being a lover of tasty smelly things I followed my nose. This is what I found.


Shallots on the sidewalk.


Lots of ’em.


And shallots on the street. In 85 degree weather.

New York Shitty analysis:

  1. Those of you who are more observant might notice this rich harvest of halitosis-inducing foodstuffs is laid out rather liberally in front of what will (or at least is promised to be) WNYC Transmitter Park.
  2. I have no idea what the “produce handling” regulations are in our fair city. But I suspect leaving members of the onion family on the street— a street, I will add— where derelicts and ne’er do wells tend to congregate; shoot up and pee is hygienically questionable. And then of course you have the issue of “run off”, e.g., street sludge, oil, anti-freeze, etc.
  3. See: Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle.

Pick your produce wisely. 2009 is the new 1906!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Ellis G.

May 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From Green Street.

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Videos Du Jour: Audience Participation Time!

May 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: Advanced Life Forms, Crosstown Local, Williamsburg 

What do you get when you take a young man singing at the Smith – 9th platform of the G, add one VERY IRATE woman tired of listening to him and toss in a drunk Polish dude for good measure? Hilarity! That’s what!

Okay, so we have established this woman is not a big fan of this crooner. No worries, a man on the Court Square bound platform is! Be sure to listen very carefully for when she offers to buy this gent a beer if he’ll jump on the subway tracks: priceless.

The previous footage was shot May 20, 2009 at 10:20 p.m. I probably speak for many who witnessed this chain of events last night (and there were MANY. Waiting. For the G.) when I say this is the best entertainment I have ever received for $2.00. Hell, it’s a bargain at twice the price! Which, knowing the MTA, will come to pass soon enough.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Wonder Wheel

May 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Coney Island 


Although hardly north Brooklyn in nature I am hard-pressed to find a better way to get psyched for this upcoming holiday weekend than this lovely photograph taken by Victoria Belanger of Coney Island’s very own Wonder Wheel. Great shot!

Miss Heather

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