North Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Bodega Daze

March 30, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

The following photographs may not necessarily depict bodegas per se but they do represent the way north Greenpoint has changed, for better or worse.


R.I.P at Eagle and Franklin Street.


Renovated, empanadaed and in demand down the block.


This was my bodega of choice when I lived on Clay Street.


This is not a bodega. However, Acapulco Deli & Restaurant resides next to the S & A Deli and is one of the most underrated diners in the Garden Spot. What’s more, now they’re sporting a fancy new awning!


Greenpoint Furniture formerly (and possibly currently)  known as “DONE DEAL$”.


I was never too big on this one (too much emphasis on meat) but the “presentation” is nice. Good place to buy soda, though.


Such is the life nowadays in north Greenpoint. Of all the people depicted in the above photograph who do you most identify with? More importantly, does it even matter?

We’re all in this together for better or worse, Greenpointers. Best to direct our angst or get a collective chuckle out of people who write stuff like this:

I have to say that all of the places in Brooklyn and Manhattan that I considered moving to, I did not consider Greenpoint at first.  Then I saw the posting for the 305 McGuinness Lofts in early February. I am a huge sucker for apartment porn, as I call it, and the new condo-turned-rental developments are great for that.  This was a Craigslist listing for a brand new triplex: 3 BRs, 2 BAs, brand new appliances, loft like ceilings, on-site parking and a gym. Shane and I quickly agreed: Yep, going to see that. Per the broker, Baris, these had just hit the market and so far they had curious locals coming to see the building.*

So we went on a cloudy Sunday. Getting off of the G train at the Greenpoint Ave stop and seeing the Starbucks warmed the cockles of my heart. We had a lot of time so we went to see the open house that was posted on Craigslist for 110 Green St.  The road itself was desolate but on the right-hand side there was this huge building. It had no sign (later discovered it had been called the Viridian, and was very famous for having Magic Johnson as an investor, and even more famous for going bankrupt last month) and it was very clearly still under construction. We checked out the model apartment, which was extraordinarily tiny. They were, and still are, charging $2,900 for a 2 BR and $3,600 for a 3 BR, so I was curious to check them out. There were many potential tenants and only 1 sales rep. He took us to see the area where there supposedly will be a huge, olympic sized swimming pool (suuuuuure), and then this enormous atrium, which was supposed to have had a fountain, but then explained that the original plans had already been downgraded to now include a simple lounge area instead. At that point, we ran out of time, so we left unimpressed, thinking they needed a reality check.  With those prices and 138 new units to rent, each with limited space, it seems to be a daunting task, indeed.

After that disappointment, we headed off to 305 McGuinness Lofts. McGuinness Blvd, for those who don’t know (and I didn’t) is a very noisy, busy road with traffic gunning to and from Brooklyn and Queens via the Pulaski bridge. The apartment building was under heavy construction (and still is), with wires dangling and walls unfinished. We were shown the triplexes and duplexes. The triplexes were cool: 1200+ sq feet in each, with 2 entrances, 2 bedrooms & 1 bathroom on the bottom floor, kitchen with huge windows and decent living/dining space on the 2nd floor and then the third floor mezzanine with another room that will (one day, in theory) have sliding glass doors overlooking the living/dining area, and another bathroom. W/D comes with every unit, as does central air, lovely new appliances and huge windows. I wasn’t crazy about the bedrooms, which were small, and the limited amount of closet space in each, but overall, it was a nice place for a relatively decent price.

But nice floors, beautiful appliances, kitchen, huge windows and only $3,000 with a free month thrown in. Add in on-site parking and the gym? Awesome! Duplexes with 2 bedrooms plus an area for an office space, had a nicer view but the 2nd floor/mezzanine had a ridiculously low ceiling, barely clearing Shane’s head, and they only had 1 bathroom. Additionally, the mezzanine/2nd bedroom shared a huge window with the master suite, and the two rooms were not completely shutoff from each other due to that window, so we figured, if we lived here, it’d be the triplex…

Yes, this was ostensibly written by a “real person”. While gloating over the “lovely new appliances” and “huge windows” our wannabe/soon-to-be neighbor didn’t notice the rather fragrant and enormous waste treatment plant one block away.

Real estate shill or simply clueless?

I’ll let you make the call. A triplex overlooking the Shit Tits, anyone?

Miss Heather

*This is true. We stare in dumbfounded amazement at this edifice wondering why some dumbass, a bankrolled one at that, would build such a turd on McGuinness Boulevard. Daily. It is a constant source of amusement.

P.S.: The 184 Eagle Street post is a HOOT:

When we were first heading over to Greenpoint to check out 305 McGuinness I also put in a call to check out the listing for a luxury 2 BR, 2 BA with mezzanine place (pics above), complete with on-site parking.  Was told by the real estate agent that it was for 184 Eagle Street but that tenants were in the place so I couldn’t see it that day (Sunday).  Weekdays weren’t good for me so I passed.

Then a few weeks back Brownstoner picked up on a story posted by New York Shitty about 184 Eagle St doing hostel duty on the side.  Apparently a tipster found the Craigslist posting.  So…while they wait for a real rental, they’re making money by renting out the place on a weekly basis where you can get either a bunk bed ($28 per night) or a private room ($78 per night).  Um, ew?

Um, welcome to my reality lady. I have seen a number of my neighbors— renters all— “displaced” by development. It happens like this: a developer purchases 1,2,3 lots in a row— usually because the landholder cannot afford the real estate taxes— and the tenants are forced to vacate. And in the place of their former homes are erected testaments to gentrification such as 110 Green Street, 184 Eagle Street and 305 McGuinness. Their target demographic: people like you.

But the locations are deemed “too crude” by people like you (greed and easy credit makes developers do silly things) so they have to find more creative ways to meet their loan debt like skipping over the whole Certificate of Occupancy thing.


Or employing a dead condo (“nondo”) as an illegal hostel/hotel. Thus generating what is my opinion one of the most hilarious complaints I have ever seen on the Department of Buildings web site.


Who says gentrification/displacement can’t be funny?

New York Shitty Day Ender: Blue Light Special

March 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


This lovely sofa sleeper hails from North 5th Street just outside the Bedford Avenue Mall. A picture perfect location to rest your bones after a particularly rigorous bout of shopping or catch a couple winks before (re)commencing an especially arduous bar crawl. The possibilities are endless!*

Miss Heather

*Possible/probable bedbug infestation notwithstanding, of course.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Blackout!

March 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This absolutely wonderful image of yesterday’s Earth Hour Blackout (I for one love the cloud cover— gorgeous!) comes courtesy of photographer extraordinaire and Greenpointer about town, Mugsniffer. Great shot!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Keep Walkin’

March 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From Franklin Street.

Miss Heather

THIS WEEK: Robert Guskind’s Memorial Service

March 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Park Slope 

bobthumbAlthough I have already made mention of this event on New York Shitty I feel compelled to follow up with an update. Here it goes.

Thanks to the tremendous outpouring of time and money from Nicole Davis of Brooklyn Based, Jake Dobkin of Gothamist, Lockhart Steele of Curbed, Jonathan Butler of Brownstoner, Susan Fox of Park Slope Parents, Norman Oder of The Atlantic Yards Report and many others too numerous to list here it is shaping up to be a lovely memorial service. Among the things you can expect at this celebration of Bob’s life and work are:

  1. a running slide show of photographs from The Gowanus Lounge (including a fine selection of “Street Couches”!)
  2. video footage of Bob from his numerous online and television appearances and
  3. a roster of keynote speakers including— but not limited to— Jake Dobkin, Lockhart Steele, Norman Oder and yours truly.

To clear up any confusion as to how to RSVP for this event you need only point and click your way over to the evite page we have erected for just this purpose. Be sure to indicate how many people will be in your party and if you care to speak.

Robert Guskind’s Memorial Service
April 4, 2009 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
The Brooklyn Lyceum
227 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11215

Hope to see you there!

Miss Heather

TOMORROW: The Return Of The Green Point Deli Market

March 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


After being throughly eviscerated by a fire last June the Green Point Deli Market is poised to make its triumphant return tomorrow, March 30, 2009 at 6:00 a.m. sharp!


Why not swing by, congratulate them on getting this much beloved (and missed) local institution back up and running and purchase a “good luck” cup of joe?

Green Point Deli Market
903 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

A Garden Spot Blind Item: A Little Red Light In Greenpoint?

March 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

gptthumbFriday night the Mister and I decided to patronize one of our favorite restaurants. over dinner I mused about how long said establishment had been in business and, as luck would have it, we later received an answer! 25 years give or take. It came from an old timer supping at an adjacent table who also also told us that very eating and drinking establishment was built atop a razed brothel:

My father told me “Son, one day you will go there.” But one day I walked by and bulldozers were tearing it down. It even had a red light out front.

One may or may not care this gentleman’s father’s parenting skills but we do have to him thank in part for this most intriguing blind item! Anyone care to take a stab at what (aptly named) restaurant this man is talking about?

Miss Heather

P.S.: I will post the reveal this evening. Here it is! Yes folks, as I was eating my favorite dish at this establishment, Linguini ala Puttanesca, I learned about some very real ladies of the evening who once graced Greenpoint’s own McGuinness Boulevard!

North Brooklyn Photos Du Jour: Southside Sunday

March 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 




South 2nd Street


South 4th Street



Bedford Avenue

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: American Vomit

March 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


From Bedford Avenue.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Word Of The Day

March 28, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Chutzpah (IPA: /ˈxÊŠtspÉ™/) is the quality of audacity, for good or for bad. The word derives from the Hebrew word ḥuá¹£pâ (חֻצְפָּה), meaning “insolence”, “audacity”, and “impertinence.” The modern English usage of the word has taken on a wider spectrum of meaning, however, having been popularized through vernacular use, film, literature, and television.

In Hebrew, chutzpah is used indignantly, to describe someone who has over-stepped the boundaries of accepted behavior with no shame. But in Yiddish and English, chutzpah has developed ambivalent and even positive connotations. Chutzpah can be used to express admiration for non-conformist but gutsy audacity. Leo Rosten in The Joys of Yiddish defines chutzpah as “gall, brazen nerve, effrontery, incredible ‘guts,’ presumption plus arrogance such as no other word and no other language can do justice to.” In this sense, chutzpah expresses both strong disapproval and a grudging admiration…


See: the following missive from Metropolitan Avenue between Union Avenue and Rodney Street.

—Miss Heather


So let me get this straight. This person saw fit to take the time to:

A. make and post fliers requesting that the “pretty” woman he saw leave a television on the curb* give him the remote control that accompanied it. Presumably for free.

B. set up an email address so in the event that the aforementioned woman…

  1. actually finds said fliers
  2. puts “2 + 2” together
  3. is not creeped out that this man knows what she looks like and
  4. decides to give this gent the remote control in question

…she can contact him.

Wouldn’t it have been easier simply to take down the make and model of said set and purchase an universal remote— or I am I missing something here? Thoughts anyone?

Miss Heather

*This is just plain creepy. Seriously.

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