From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Key Food

January 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This lovely photograph comes courtesy of Victoria Belanger. To close a food-related note, be sure to donate your gently used goods to the Greenpoint Reformed Church’s Stuff Swap. All proceeds will be used to fund their much-needed food pantry and soup kitchen. You can get the 411 about this fundraiser (which starts at 1:00 p.m. today) by clicking here.

Miss Heather

Great Moments In Marketing: Special Flatbush/Ditmas Park Edition

January 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Culture War, Greenpoint Magic 



This example of marketing savvy comes courtesy of my friend down at Flatbush Gardener. He writes:

There’s more story behind the photo, too. As soon as I stood in front to take a picture, the (presumed) owner came out, with two or three of his staff. He wanted to know what I was doing. Not aggressive at all, just seemed concerned. I told him I was taking a picture of his sign.

What are you doing?
Me: Taking a picture of your sign.
Owner: Why?
Me: You know it’s misspelled, right? It’s supposed to be “Taliban”, right?
Owner: Are you going to get me in trouble?
Me: I don’t see why.

I went on to explain that I already had a “Taliban scarf” – what I
know as a keffiyah – I just wasn’t wearing it at the time.

Owner: What color is it?
Me: Red.
Owner: I have lots of colors inside.
Me: I know, I saw the sign (pointing to the sign that says “More colors inside”!)
Owner: Come inside.
Me: I don’t need another one right now.
Owner: Come inside.
Me: [Thinking there is some non-zero danger of being recruited for something] Another time.

The sign is still up.

Say what you will about this chap’s advertising prowess (or lack thereof), it’s still better than this or this.

Miss Heather

Greenwick Photos Du Jour: Signs Of The Times

January 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic 


McGuinness Boulevard


Noble Street


Manhattan Avenue


Starr Street

Miss Heather

TONIGHT: Art At Champion Coffee

January 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Area 51 


Tonight Champion Coffee will be having an art opening from 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. I have no word as to what the nature of the work will be but given how much I enjoyed their last show this will definitely be on my “to do” list! If you happen to be in the area why not give it a look-see?

Champion Coffee
1108 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

TOMORROW: A Few Things For Cat Lovers

January 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic 


Tomorrow Empty Cages Collective will be having an adoption event at NYC Pet Supplies in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Their finest cats and kittens of all sizes rescued from the streets of New York City are promised to be in attendance, so why not swing by and say hi? As I have written before, all of ECC’s cats and kittens have been spayed or neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, and tested for feline leukemia and FIV. There is a $75.00 adoption fee and all adoptions require an approved application. You can get a sneak peek of what awaits you tomorrow by pointing and clicking your way over to Empty Cages Petfinder page.

Empty Cages Collective Adoption Event
January 24th, 1:00 – 6:00 p.m.
NYC Pet Supplies
218 5th Ave. (between Union and President)
Brooklyn, New York 11215

(718) 230-8224


Back here in Greenpoint the ASPCA’s mobile clinic will be offering cheap/free spay and neutering at Petland Discounts starting at 7:00 a.m. As the flier clearly states this is purely a first come, first served affair. My advice: get there EARLY.

Free/Cheap Spay & Neuter
Petland Discounts
846 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222


Last up, I have been woefully remiss about passing along these wonderful works of art available at District Dog. My favorite is the “Vomitron Series”. However, there are also plenty of offerings for all you dog lovers out there. Best of all is the price; they’re a mere $25.00 a pop! Check ’em out.

District Dog
142 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Big Deuce

January 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 



Thomas writes:

dear miss heather…

I took these some time ago. technically, it is not poop, but someone did drop a giant deuce on russell st.


Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Customers Only

January 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From Tommy’s Tavern.

Miss Heather

Inauguration 2009: The Orange Cat Conspiracy?

January 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic 

I suspect I speak for many white liberals when I say I thoroughly enjoyed Reverend Joseph Lowery’s benediction yesterday. That is, except for one part:

“… help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right.”

No, I am not the least bit perturbed about his admonishment to white people. We as a group deserve it and I am more than happy to “take one for the team”. Rather, the fly in my proverbial ointment is this:

What about the orange?


As many of you are aware I posted the above photograph with one of my favorite memorable quotes from Gerald Ford (though to be frank, there really are not too many to choose from) yesterday. I was fascinated by my cat Bodhi’s interest in Barack Obama’s speech. Perhaps this little guy is more politically, historically* and socially aware than I thought?

Anyhoo, a couple readers found the above image amusing as well. Rowan writes:

historic moment aside, that is a superb “reflection” shot. it looks like Bodhi is floating near Obama’s shoulder, like some kind of orange feline guardian angel.

Al Oof adds:

yes, i’m into the cat on obama’s shoulder shot too.

Feeling loquacious I replied:

It is a little known fact that Bodhi (an orange tabby from Greenpoint, Brooklyn) is Mr. Obama’s speech writer. In this capacity he demanded to be on hand to make sure things went along smoothly. And they did.

Now that I have let one secret slip I might as well to let you in on another: orange cats in Greenpoint seem to have taken an inordinate interest in Barack Obama being inugurated as the 44th President of the United States.


Shortly after uploading my photograph of Bodhi I discovered this image from one of my Flickr buddies, Mihow.


When I logged onto Flickr today this item from Orange Genius was awaiting my viewing pleasure with the following  remark (dare?):

OK ladies, I see your orange tabbies and I raise you an orange tabby. This is the real orange Genius, catching up on the news after the inauguration.

Mere coincidence or a sign of things to come? In the name of scientific research I have erected a Flickr group dedicated to this phenomenon. Did your feline take an inordinate interest in Barack Obama’s inauguration? Do you have photographic documentation? If so, please add your kitty (cats of all colors, breeds and locations are welcome) to this pool.

Your urgent attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Miss Heather

*His particular interest in the end of Barack’s speech (when he invokes Tom Paine’s Common Sense) would certainly seem to indicate this.

Congratulations Cafecito!

January 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

cafecito12109Those of you who have not done so already might want to check out today’s New York Times $25 and Under feature: our very own Cafecito got a rather admirable bit of bandwith and top billing!

Cafecito Bogota
1015 Manhattan Avenue
Puntaverde, New York 11222
(718) 569-0077

Way to go, Oscar and Hernando!

Miss Heather

Jackson Heights Photos Du Jour: After Dark

January 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: Queens 




From Roosevelt Avenue.

Miss Heather

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