Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Oy Vey!

January 26, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From India Street.

Miss Heather

The River Barrel Update

January 26, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

On January 7, 2009 I wrote:

…I have given these people quite a drubbing over their misspelled signage. Well, I am pleased to announce they have since fixed it and have learned from their bartendress (a very nice lady) that tonight they’ll be rolling out their dinner menu.* You can get a sneak peek of their offerings (including “Magic Split Pea Soup”**) by clicking here. Otherwise, you can see their brunch menu by clicking here. I have also been told they will be serving lunch on weekdays!…

Miss Heather

*Which will be rotated seasonally.
**Not be be confused with magic mushroom soup. I will never forget when I was in a defensive driving class EONS ago and I overheard a woman talk about going to Jamaica. She and her husband decided to try a bowl of “magic mushroom soup”. They were incapacitated in their hotel room for 2 days.

Well I had dinner there Saturday night and it was pretty good. The service was a bit slow as was the kitchen. The portions were odd as well, but that comes with a new restaurant. My chickpea burger and pita bread appetizer was delicious! I say give these folks a couple weeks to iron out the kinks and give them a try. Avoid ordering the Malbec unless you don’t mind paying $10.00 per glass.

The River Barrel
160 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss “Please ask for permission before posting my stuff” Heather

Happy Chinese New Year From New York Shitty!

January 26, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic 


I didn’t make it down to Chinatown this time (too damned cold, too damned old). But I thought this very special cat from my favorite 99 cent store would suffice. Her name is “August” (albeit in Chinese) and she makes sure everything is under control. The year of the rat was a no-brainer; how she handles the year of the Ox will prove her mettle!


I sleep safe at night knowing this gal is on the job! Would you want to look down the cavernous barrel of this killing machine? I think not.

Miss Heather

P.S.: The voice of “Tommy the Cat” is none other than Tom Waits.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Angry On The L

January 26, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 


Faerie queene 12 writes:

Seen on January 24, 2008–a weekend when L Train service is not available on the whole line. Someone is not happy (probably many someones).

I can hardly wait to see what happens when they cut back bus service.

Miss Heather

THIS WEEK: A Very Tasty Beer Tasting At The Habitat

January 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This Thursday, January 29, The Habitat will be rolling out a few choice brews from Avery Brewery starting at 7:00 p.m. Among the offerings is “Ale to the Chief”. Why not take a drink for democracy, go upstairs and do a little figure drawing afterward at The Cee Flat?

Avery Tasting
January 29, 2009
The Habitat

988 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Figure Drawing
Every Tuesday night, 7:00 – 11:00 p.m.
The Cee Flat
988 Manhattan Avenue (second floor)
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

Looking For A Little Romance On Valentine’s Day?

January 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

do-polskithumbLooking for a place to take your honey (or hubby) this upcoming Valentine’s Day? I suppose you could luxuriate at our local bed and breakfast* but my buddy over at Brooklyn11211 found a better deal. He writes:

Somewhere, a publicist has earned his wings:

two of Brooklyn’s coolest hotels – hotel le jolie and hotel le bleu[…] are offering the ideal Valentine’s Day Packages for couples wishing to experience a romantic rendezvous in Brooklyn’s trendiest neighborhoods.

Amenities at Le Jolie from February 10-15 include (I shit you not):

  • Accommodations for two nights
  • Rose petals scattered throughout the room
  • Chocolates upon arrival
  • $50 American Express Gift Certificate (Based on a two-night minimum and one American Express Gift Certificate per stay)
  • Complimentary continental breakfast

For only $219 a night! For a real pisser check out this site (the source of the above hilarity). You can read the rest of my Williamsburg colleague’s piquant commentary by clicking here.

Since when was 4th Avenue in Park Slope? Since when has “bumping uglies” on 4th Avenue or whilest overlooking BQE (sans illicit substances) been considered romantic for that matter? Then again who I am to judge? The Mister and I spent our honeymoon in the Bronx.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Big props go out to my friend Brooklyn11211 for posting this. It made my day.

*I have noticed a disturbing number of search queries on my blog’s “backend” for hotels in Greenpoint. For all intents and purposes there are none. Take thee loved ones and friends to Sunnyside. Do NOT send them HERE. This is not a hotel. The Greenpoint Hotel is a flophouse.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Lomzynianka Restauracja

January 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Gentrification Watch: BoWiAn Market

January 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Having seen more than my fair share of peoplein this neighborhood being hauled away in ambulances after having heart attacks (Chris of T & N Wine and Liquor said it best when he advised me— after his latest heart attack— to insist they take you to St. Vincents*) a salad bar may not be a bad addition to the neighborhood.

BoWiAn Market
664 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Opening Date: T.B.A.

Miss Heather

*Otherwise you’ll end up in Woodhull as a good friend of mine did recently when she had food poisoning. After a five hour wait and getting water from the bathroom (because the water fountains did not work) she felt better and walked home. A novel— if disturbing— cure if I ever heard one.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Barracuda

January 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: Area 51 





This little bit of Red Hook comes courtesy of Franklin Street.

Miss Heather

Time To Winterize Those Paws!

January 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

valencianysAlthough I am certain many of you have read about this on Curbed already I’m posting it here as well. Christine writes:

Hi Dog Owners,

Tonight, my dog, VALENCIA, (was) electrocuted!    She is fine!   I repeat

I wanted to share what happened so we all are careful walking under any
scaffolding…. In fact I would just avoid them…

VALENCIA, a brussels griffon, let out a loud yelp and then her
little body just shook for a few minutes.   I had no idea what happened the first time.   It was pretty scary but once we got home she seemed fine.

When it happened a second time this evening at the same place (201 Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg next to UVA), I knew something was up. I assume it was some type of shock but didn’t really know.

I called 311 to report dangerous scaffolding.  They then connected me with 911 who then put me in touch with the FDNY. I thought this might have been a little too dramatic especially when they told me to wait for FDNY at the site and two ladder trucks pulled up.

As always, the Firefighters arrived being all cool and calm.   They took out this little devise that said that all the poles in scaffolding were LIVE.   It was a good thing I called.

This site is now safe and hopefully it is the freaky type of thing that only happens once (or at one site)…but if your dog yelps and then shakes for more than a few seconds, report it by calling 311.

Please feel free to forward this email to other dog owners.

Let’s faces facts: it’s damned cold out and derelict development sites are (in all probability) going to become the norm here. Take a tip from one very savvy dog owner in Greenpoint I met recently: sheath your pooch’s feet with balloons. This may sound crazy but it can and does WORK. Rubber not only protects his (or her) furry feet from Halite (which dries out skin) and ice but it also resists electricity. A cheap and easy solution to developer blight!

Miss Heather

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