Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Revive

January 2, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From Meeker Avenue.

Miss Heather

Word Of The Day: Jollification

January 1, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

I would imagine those of you who are reading this are probably not feeling too hot. You braved the wind last night, went out and one HELL of a good time. Perhaps a little too good. And now you are paying the price.

Before you amble off to have brunch (replete with Bloody Marys) or go back to bed, dear readers, I would like to submit for your approval the following motley crew of north Brooklyn party animals from yesteryear. Broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder (from falling off an ash dump) and a moonlit dip in the icy waters of Newtown Creek are a few of the niceties the local constabulary had to deal with on New Year’s Day 1900 per the January 2, 1900 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Enjoy!

Maybe they were (still) distressed by the City of Brooklyn’s incorporation into New York City?

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Heather (who will be graduating from medical school this year!).

Happy New Year From New York Shitty!

January 1, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I can think of no better way to kick off 2009 here in the Garden Spot than with this very special assortment of New Year’s babes. They hail from the junk shop and (I have been told) were used by a performance artist for one thing or another. I for one like the gal garroted by the Ikea I.D. holder.

Miss Heather

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