Save Rainer!

January 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Williamsburg 


Tonight I was very despondent to learn that Rainer (one half of the feline dynamic duo at Spoonbill & Sugartown Booksellers) is experiencing health woes! Per the gentleman I spoke with this evening a cancerous tumor has been found on one of his shoulders. He is scheduled to have surgery next week and may very well end up losing a leg. If you have the time and money to spare please swing by, make a donation and give Rainer and his family your best wishes.

Save Rainer
Spoonbill & Sugartown Booksellers
218 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: After Dark

January 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 






From Bedford Avenue.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Short & Sweet

January 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


From Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Video Du Jour: MORDRED!

January 30, 2009 ·
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic 


It’s been some time since I have caught up with Greenpoint’s most stylish pup: Miss Mordred. I am pleased to report she is doing well. As you will see in this little video of her strutting her stuff along with her big brother Zoltan at the junk shop. Enjoy!

What’s next for Mordred, you ask? Well, Jocelyn (her person) is going to dress her up as Grimace and we’re going to collaborate on a very special fashion shoot. Stay tuned, this is gonna be good!

Miss Heather

The Waterpod Cometh

January 30, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek, Queens 

waterpodThis item comes courtesy of Laura Hofmann of GWAPP. What is the Waterpod, you ask? Here’s a description from its brand-spanking new web site:

Waterpodâ„¢ is a floating sculptural living structure designed as a new habitat for the global warming epoch. It is currently scheduled to launch in New York in May, 2009, from the Newtown Creek between Brooklyn and Queens, navigate down the East River, explore the waters of New York Harbor, and stopping at each of the five boroughs it will dock at several Manhattan piers on the Hudson River, then beyond.

As a sustainable, navigable living space, Waterpodâ„¢ showcases the critical importance of the environment and serves as a model for new living technologies. It illustrates positive interactions between communities: private and corporate; artistic and social; aquatic and terrestrial. Built from recycled and found materials, Waterpodâ„¢ is structured as a triple-domed island for: (i) community and artistic activity; (ii) eco-initiatives including food grown with purified water from the Hudson River; and (iii) living space…

You can read the rest by clicking here. Those of you who have ever wanted to live on Newtown Creek* (and you know who you are) this might be your golden opportunity!

Miss Heather

*albeit briefly

Image Credit:

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Disappointment Notice

January 30, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This public service announcement hails from the intersection of Norman Avenue and Leonard Street. It comes courtesy of RH Comics* who writes:

check that out– love the blog

Duly noted, RH. Not only do I thank you for the kind words, but I will certainly keep an eye out for “Sybil”!

Miss Heather

*Whose films are rather nifty. Give ’em a watch!

Bushwick Photo Du Jour: Look Mom!

January 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Williamsburg 


From Morgan Avenue.

Miss Heather

Felines Lost & Found

January 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

I have a couple of pet-related items to relay to you. In the interest of brevity (it’s been a long day) I have decided to put them in one quick and easy post. Here it goes.



First up, Mingus the cat has gone MIA. I’m not too certain where his home is but this flier hails from Huron Street. So all of you who live in the general area keep an eye out for this little fella. It goes without saying (but I’m to say it anyway) if you have seen him or know of his whereabouts please contact his owner at the above telephone number. Thanks!



This item comes courtesy of Laura Hofmann. She writes:

This cat showed up today on our 5th floor fire escape… He wondered onto a brick gargoyle on the front of the building. Fortunately, my son was able to reach him and rescue him. We’ve knocked on many doors in our apt building. Looks like he doesn’t belong to anyone here. The cat has a purple collar on it.
If you know who this brave little guy (or gal) belongs to please contact Laura via email at  bargeparkpals (at) msn (dot) com. In the meantime their building’s super is keeping him/her safe and warm in their building’s basement overnight.
Last up, for those of you who do not have a cat (but very much want one) Empty Cages Collective will be having another adoption event at NYC Pet Supplies this Saturday, January 31 starting at 1:00 p.m. Check it out!

Empty Cages Collective Adoption Event
@ NYC Pet Supplies

241 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

And that’s all she wrote!

Miss Heather

Musings Of A Junk Chick

January 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Yesterday I got to do something I suspect not too many people have the pleasure of doing nowadays: declining a job offer. Well I suppose it was more like declining the opportunity to discuss a job offer. Unlike a number of businesses a former employer of mine is thriving. So much so he had created a new position; one he felt I would fill splendidly. I probably would. However, it would probably entail curbing my “creative” endeavors in a very substantial manner. This is something I simply cannot and will not do. Besides, I am perfectly content at my other “job”.

Working at a junk store does not pay $50,000 dollars a year but this is not to suggest it doesn’t have its perks. For starters I am under no obligation whatsoever to be nice to a customer if he or she is behaving in a belligerent manner. Just today I slammed the door in the face of a man who would not shut up. I am not going to lie to you: it felt good. In addition my boss Larry has a great sense of humor. One of his favorite things to do is to tuck items of a very special nature in and around the area I am entrusted to tidy up. This too came to pass today.


This is one of the baskets gracing the jewelry counter. As you can clearly see there some photographs have been placed in it. Let’s take a look, shall we?


A pair of woman’s feet mashing overripe bananas on a plate. Yummy. Hmm, what else do we have here?


A juicy close-up of a dirty pair of woman’s feet. Even better. I found a great many more photographs of this ilk today. Follows is a selection of my personal favorites. Enjoy!


I call this one “Barefoot In The Park”.


Isn’t this Atlantic City?


This brings a whole new meaning to “Spice Girl”.


Oh my.




Freddy Krueger too?!? Say it ain’t so Joe…


Um, ok.


Built Tonka tough!



But to get back to the purpose of this post: there are some things you simply cannot put cash value on. Yours truly places high premium on entertainment. This is one of the many reasons I live in Greenpoint. I also fancy myself to be an urban anthropologist. The stuff that comes (and goes) from the store is not just clutter to me: it is a telling testament of the human condition. Which bring me to this.


…Snuffleupagus moved the rock on the third day, freeing the Chosen Bird to do His father’s bidding.*


Miss Heather

*Note this comes courtesy of dc108 (see comments). I loved it so much I amended this post.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: The Party’s Over

January 29, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


This piquant and very timely message hails from Huron between West Street and the waterfront (the lot slated to sport a 39 story condominium complex courtesy of the genius who brought us the Oro condominiums in Downtown Brooklyn). To see more nifty pix from my walk around the neighborhood yesterday point and click your way to my flickr set.

Miss Heather

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