Boobification Photo du Jour: Freeboob!*

September 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

If I leave Williamsburg tomorrow,
Would you still remember me?
For I must be traveling on, now,
‘Cause there’s too many places I’ve got to see.
But if I stayed here with you,
My girls just wouldn’t be the same.
‘Cause I’m as free as a bird now,
And these boobs you cannot change.

Miss Heather (bastardizing Lynyrd Skynyrd)

*From Wythe Avenue

TOMORROW: Kent Street Festival

September 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I am certain most of you, my fellow Greenpointers, are well aware of this event. Rather I’d like to make you aware of a particular vendor. Ann Kansfield writes:

Greenpoint has come together to help feed hungry folks on Wednesday nights. Currently, we serve yummy hot meals to upwards of 80 people. As the weather gets colder, we’re anticipating this number might increase.

To help raise funds for the soup kitchen, there’s going to be a fabulous bake sale at this Saturday’s Kent Street Festival (Sept. 27). But we need your help. It would look really ridiculous to have a bake sale with nothing to sell. Please! All you bakers out there – if you could make some items for the sale, it would be tremendously helpful. You can drop them off at the church (136 Milton St) Friday night from 6-9pm or at the bake sale table on Kent Street on Saturday, September 27th from 9am to 12pm.

For those of you who want to buy some of these yummy treats, please visit our table at the Kent St. Festival – it’s happening on Kent St. between Manhattan and Franklin. And if you’re reading this and could help us by passing this message on to your friends and neighbors, we would really appreciate it.  We need all the help we can get – both at the bake sale and going forward this winter.  The more people who are aware of the soup kitchen the better.

I agree. The economy isn’t getting any better, folks. Until our government decides to succor the truly needy instead of multimillion dollar corporations, let us buy cake!

And pies.

And cupcakes.

Kent Street Festival
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Kent Street (Between Manhattan Avenue & Franklin Street)
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

TODAY: Kickass Art By Kickass People

September 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

I rarely, if ever, pimp my friends’ events online but in this case I am going to make an exception. Mark Parrish is by far one of the most amazing painters I have ever met. What’s more, he is a good friend. Tomorrow you can see his work (and meet him in person) at…

For the record, the artwork gracing the beginning of this post is not Mark’s. Not by a long-shot 😉

Go to the show and see for yourself!

Headquarters Studio NYC
385 Broadway, 2F

New York, New York 11013

Miss Heather

P.S.: Nayland Blake was a teacher of mine back in graduate school. Inasmuch as one can teach another person (ME) to think, he did. His advice is largely to thank (or blame) for me writing this blog.

Give The Finger To Finger Buildings, Greenpointers!

September 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

See the above map? Do you live in the demarcated area? Do you despise the crass over-development of your neighborhood at the expense of its charm (and yes, this includes vinyl siding)? If so mark your calendars comrades! Community Board One is holding two “informational sessions” about contextual rezoning next month: October 28 & 29 respectively.

Be there and have your say…

or prepare for yet more “fingers”.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Note that Karl Fischer’s Frankenfinger* (whose workers spritzed me with cement earlier this week while working ILLEGALLY) falls within the rezone area.

Do you want this thing (and its 17 “high end residential units”**) to blight our neighborhood? I am certain it will look perfectly “in context” with its neighbor: The Astral Apartments. Because we all know Karl cares a lot about context.

*A bigass hideous building given the green-light by the auspices of a modification permit, thus violating the spirit but not the letter of the law. Not much of the original structure is still extant, by the way. I imagine Karl will leave a brick or two for old times sake!

**Looks like more than 17 units to me but what do I know?


September 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

You write something about your cat’s abscessed anal glands and people take notice. Tim Murphy (of New York Mag’s Daily Intel) writes:

Anybody who regularly reads the blog Newyorkshitty by a certain Miss Heather of Greenpoint knows that she’s disgusting and hilarious, going around the hood photographing dog poop and other vulgarities, then commenting on it in a way that fuses Dorothy Parker and South Park

Dorothy Parker?!? Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Murphy. I’m not being sarcastic. Although I always fancied myself more of a Chuck Bukowski girl. After all I live in Greenpoint and am one of only two women I know who likes The Three Stooges*. Seriously. I am an anomaly.

One who takes great relish in her vulgarity. Profanity is my craft. I apprenticed under my father; as a Journey(wo)man I polished my skills in New York Shitty. Greenpoint is my Valhalla, but alas a Journeywoman I still am. The following angry missive (courtesy of Pixxietails) made this fact clear all too clear to yours truly.

Rimming Meat Loaf?!? Ann and Nancy, that’s GROSS!

I have had this picture seared in my mind ALL DAY. It wasn’t pretty; in fact, I lost my appetite.

Needless to say I am your eager apprentice, Barracudas.


Miss Heather

*ESPECIALLY the Rajah of Canarsie, the Flathead from Flatbush and on the islands of Coney and Long fair chickadees who prowl the meadows day and night can be found!

P.S.: Didn’t John bother to read the lyrics of this song? Probably not.

If the real thing dont do the trick
No, you better make up something quick
You gonna burn burn burn burn it to the wick
Ooooooohhhh, barra barracuda.


September 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

My neighbor and fellow cat lady Eva101 forwarded this site to me. It is absolutely hilarious. I plan to make a submission for financial relief*— and you should too. Check it out!

Miss Heather

*For this or this. I have not made up my mind. Hell, maybe I’ll muster the chutzpah to sell off both!

On The Subject Of Spam

September 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Asshole 

I have been receiving a lot of it of late. A. LOT. While always irritating, now the brains behind sending me, a female, adverts for Cialis, Viagra and porn sites featuring blushing young woman doing very dirty things have added yet another diabolical flourish to their sordid solicitations: asking me to confirm receipt of their crap.

Now let me tell you, I harbor the nothing but the darkest possible hatred for people who engage in this practice. Experience has proven to me time and time again only corporate drones who can’t find their ass with both hands —and as such assume I cannot either— ask me to confirm receipt of their emails in this manner. Anyone who would program a robot shilling porn and pills (I clearly do not need) invokes a hellish wrath in my person mere words cannot adequately describe. Seriously. We’re talking rage, kids.

On that note I am going to give them what they want: confirmation of that I received their missives. Miss Heather style: haikus using their own fucking ad copy.

Louise (I Love You Long Time)

El saludo im
Louise im 24 years old.
My ass wait you here!


Ola im Lulu,
To My Group Sex Video.
Look rather at! Thanks!

Never Give Up (Ode to Cialis)

When you are young and
stressed up. When you
are aged never give up…

That felt really, really good. Methinks I will have to write more of these moving forward. Keep the spam coming assholes (and I have no doubt you will). Now if you don’t mind I’m off to write a Bad Date Haiku.*

Miss Heather

*Anyone interested in making a contribution (until we establish a “system”) can do so by emailing me:

missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com

Be sure to include a link to an accompanying photograph. How will you know I received your email? When I post it, that’s how!

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Progress

September 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

McCarren Park Pool, September 22, 2008.

Miss Heather

Enough With The Anal Glands Already!

September 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

I have been rather grumpy of late. This is due in large part to a seemingly never-ending series of pet-related maladies. First it was an abscessed anal gland. In treating that the veterinarian noticed the front of our cat wasn’t looking so good: this entailed having three teeth pulled. An appointment was made. Next it was two (other) cats getting ringworm. We are treating this with some level of success on our own.

After getting a deep cleaning of my own teeth (which entailed being given Novocaine) I hurried home (and in so doing got spritzed with cement) took a bath and ventured back out to retrieve our cat Artemis from having his teeth extracted. I was not in a good mood. So I arrive at the vet. As is usually the case I had to wait a good 20 minutes.

Then it was my turn. I am told the surgery went well and then the vet said:

That anal gland is healing nicely. Have you looked at it?

I took a deep breath and replied:

You are the second such person to ask me this question this week. The fact of the matter is I have looked at that cat’s asshole more in the last two weeks than I ever cared to. For a lifetime. If you and my husband say it is healing well I’ll take your word for it.

Believe it or not I think the vet understood. He thought it was funny in any case. He’s paid (handsomely, I will add) to look at this shit anyway. I am not. I seemingly cannot avoid this subject matter. It is follows me where ever I go. Those of you who are old enough might remember the old Tootsie Roll commercial: their cheerful protagonist saw Tootsie Rolls everywhere he (or she— cannot remember which) went. I see anal glands where ever I go— or are forced to talk about them. This is no way to go through life.


I have been wanting to get back to doing collages. I am not only good at creating them and I also enjoy the process. It relaxes me. To this end I needed material so I picked up this book at the junk shop. I get home and crack it open. Here is what I saw.

A few days later I went to dinner with a friend. She asked me how Artie’s anal glands were doing. I said “just fine”. Then she regaled with a tale about the time her old dog’s anal gland got backed up and the vet had to “drain it”. It seems like everyone has their own anal gland story and now I have mine. Lucky me.

This week I went out with a friend for a walk. As we were walking down North 12th Street I spied this.

Me: Hey look, another tree twat.
Friend: Tree twat?
Me: Someone has been going around Greenpoint and Williamsburg painting knot-holes pink, which lends them a certain “sexual” feel. I call them tree twats, although this one looks more like an anal gland.
Friend: It does?
Me: Yup, only less disgusting.

It was at this point I realized I had a problem. I needed to quit anal glands and move on. I needed closure (in more ways than one). So I decided to try a little art therapy on India Street.

Every dog has a pair of anal glands located on the sides of and just below the opening of the anus. These small glands secrete a lubricant which helps the dog move his bowels easily. Sometimes these anal glands become clogged and accumulate a putrid mass in side. When this happens, the dog becomes listless, his eyes appear dull, and he often tries to lick the anus or pull himself across the floor on his haunches for relief.

The Complete Poodle Clipping & Grooming Book by Shirlee Kalstone.

If you’re wondering if rabbits have anal glands: they do. Someone has even written a dissertation about them.

Miss Heather


September 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

thesweetchuck writes:

I know sometimes you post about stoop sales and the like, and so I thought I’d pass this onto you.  Myself and 2 roomates are leaving our Greenpoint home and have a number of things to get rid of.  Post it on the blog if you like, but I thought you may be interested in any case.

Here’s a sneak peek of some of the items they will have for sale!

Stoop Sale
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Noon – 4:00 p.m.
111 Huron Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

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