I Have Been Waiting For This Moment

September 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

New Mexico sandwich “poco queso”: a sandwich so fucking good even our cat Bodhi cannot resist its allure.

Yes folks, the Franklin Corner Store has re-opened.

Franklin Corner Store
210 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222


Miss Heather

New York Shitty Photos du Jour: Same City, Different World

September 28, 2008 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

North 5th Street, Brooklyn.

Mott Street, Manhattan.

Someone in Chinatown really, really likes pigs.

Among other things.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Bedford Avenue

September 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

The Color of Living Well

Unless of course you happen to have the misfortune of living on the same block as this monolithic (and quite incomplete) turd. In which case your amenities include street harassment, the street being blocked by their construction equipment (constantly), garbage and the sound of construction at all hours.

Miss Heather

P.S.: If it is called the “ViRiDiAN” why isn’t it green? Or is “black” the new green in Greenpoint? If so, it ain’t that new.

Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

September 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Looks like at least two (ADORABLE) Greenpointers had fun despite today’s dreary weather!

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photo du Jour: Ask Lehman

September 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From the Queens-bound platform at Greenpoint Avenue.

Miss Heather

A(nother) Shooting At Club Exit?

September 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Na Greenpoincie writes at 4:54 a.m.:

As the Greenpoint blog of record (!), I don’t know whether you’d be interested to hear that there were at least three shooting incidents outside Club Exit (149 Greenpoint Ave) last night.

The first happened at about 2.55am on Greenpoint Ave, right outside the club. There were several gunshots. No-one was hurt but a bullet went through one patron’s Chevy’s roof, and another bullet shattered the glass door of the Pay-O-Matic check cashing place. Photos of the damage attached for delight and delectation…

At about 3.45am, there were two more shootings, one after the other. The first (4-5 shots?) sounded like it happened close to Greenpoint/Manhattan Aves, and the second came two minutes after that, and sounded like it happened down towards Greenpoint/McGuinness.

It’s not just the shootings, it’s the constant yelling and screaming from 11am to 4pm, the garbage on the street afterwards, and the honking of cars when patrons spill out and block the road. Friday nights are usually raver nights, which is kids with glowsticks and shit – those guys are noisy but they’re usually OK, and they disappear pretty quickly. Saturday nights are “Guido” night, and that’s worse – a bunch of 35 year olds from New Jersey in shiny shirts drunk and screaming at each other. Tonight (and every other night when the shootings have been) was hiphop night, though – not so much the drinking but the yelling, music from cars, and the shootings…In addition to the three incidents tonight, there have been at least two others in the last six months.

People around here are getting sick of the problems from Club Exit – Greenpoint is usually a pretty safe and quiet hood. Last time this happened there were signs up (by different people!) on lampposts the next day. Club Exit needs to stat behaving more responsibly – more people on the door, searches, video cameras outside. A more visible police presence at closing time to keep the street clear would help a little too.

Not knowing how amenable the owners/management are to “community suggestions”…right now I would prefer not to use my name/usual netname. :)…

As some of you might recall a woman was accidentally shot in the leg in front of this establishment earlier this year.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Be sure to read the comments for more interesting information about what went down this morning.

Photo Credit: Na Greenpoincie; it is the front door of 168 Greenpoint Avenue which is located across the street from Club Exit.

Boobification Photo du Jour: Sign Of The Times

September 27, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

When I took “the girls” to McGolrick Park this week they got rather chilly. Methinks I’ll have to buy them a sweater.

Miss Heather

Franklin Street Bar Shows Sign Of Life

September 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 

This “production” has been languishing for months. But on Tuesday they erected this:

Why not drop by and give Joe your head shot?  The Production Lounge wants to meet you!

Production Lounge
113 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Opening date/hours: T.B.A.

Miss Heather

Crosstown Local Photo du Jour

September 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

The above photograph was taken on the Queens-bound G train. To truly understand its significance one must take into account the context:

  1. A dude with Tourettes Syndrome twitching and muttering to himself.
  2. A clique of young women (read: under 21) taking swigs of Pepsi and whiskey (not-so-cunningly disguised in a Pepsi bottle), wincing and
  3. doing stripper poses on the poles— all of which were duly photographed by peers. With pride.
  4. The woman asleep below said sticker. Once she saw me taking pictures she gave me the evil eye and sat elsewhere.

#4: I was the least of your problems. I love life. Especially on the G.

Miss Heather

Urban Artifact: Manhattan Avenue

September 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic, Urban Artifact 

Mister Heather and I (being the effete and over-educated snobs we are) cannot grasp the rampant anti-intellectualism in this country. On the one hand, you have the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. Who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. Despite hardships— and Obama had aplenty. He is an outsider. On the other, you have Rumsfeld in lipstick:

In 1982, Palin enrolled at Hawaii Pacific College but left after her first semester. From there she transferred to North Idaho College, where she spent two semesters as a general studies major. From that community college she then transferred to the much larger University of Idaho for two semesters. During this time Palin won the Miss Wasilla Pageant beauty contest then finished third (second runner-up) in the Miss Alaska pageant, at which she won a college scholarship and the “Miss Congeniality” award. She then left the University of Idaho and attended Matanuska-Susitna College in Alaska for one term. The next year she returned to the University of Idaho where she spent three semesters completing her Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism, graduating in 1987.

In 1988, she worked as a sports reporter for KTUU-TV in Anchorage, Alaska, and for the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman as a sports reporter. She also helped in her husband’s commercial fishing family business. — Wikipedia.

For this lack-luster curricula clita Palin is lauded as being “All-American”. What does this say about us as a country?

I graduated from college in four years. Magna cum laude. I got a scholarship alright: $500 per semester for two semesters. That’s what a being smart (as opposed to beautiful) nets a woman with a 3.7 GPA. In Texas. Had I known being a bimbo would net me better career prospects perhaps I would have spent my “scholarship” money on a nose job (and getting my M.R.S. degree). But I didn’t. So I will continue…

That Communications degree (and pageant experience) is serving Sarah well. Or is the electorate much more idiotic than I imagined? Someone clearly likes her “down-home” talk. I (being the intellectual “community organizer” that I am) took her rhetoric as being backwoods demagoguery* meets June Cleaver (with a nuclear arsenal and “GOD” on her side). But am I simply being arrogant?

I found this discarded piece of homework on Manhattan Avenue. It got me to a thinkin’

How long did it take you to read the book? Why? I didn’t take me long because I saw the movie.

I would haved killed all the bad guys… It wes about 4 kids go into a majical world and fight a for the good side.

The good news: I suspect this kid’s mother helped him with his homework.
The bad news: This kid’s mother helped him with his homework.

With a public education system (and parental apathy) like this who needs Al Qaeda? We’re doing a damned good job of destroying ourselves. By taking pride in our ignorance, entitlement and sloth.

We’re not creating citizens, we’re creating cannon fodder.

But that’s jest me smart talkin’.

Miss Heather

*Demagogy (also demagoguery) (Ancient Greek δημαγωγία, from δῆμος dÄ“mos “people” and ἄγειν agein “to lead”) refers to a political strategy for obtaining and gaining political power by appealing to the popular prejudices, emotions, fears and expectations of the public — typically via impassioned rhetoric and propaganda, and often using nationalist or populist themes. — Wikipedia

Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay … he (Barack Obama) wants to meet them without preconditions.

We are so proud of the many Alaskans who are serving in the military to keep us safe and our country free their service has been an incredible personal sacrifice. Our National Guard men and women who return to rural Alaska are seen as role models for our youth.

— Sarah Palin

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