Photos du Jour: Rod Gets Around

September 3, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Taken September 1, 2008 on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights.

Taken August 28, 2008 in Freeman Alley in Manhattan.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Here are a few more treats from Freeman Alley. (Yes, there really is such a place!)

PHOTO CREDITS: Crown Heights pic, Thomas Mann

Casa Mon Amour Goes Gallic!

September 2, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Yesterday as I was running errands I noticed Casa Mon Amour was open. Well, their business was not open but their front door was so I popped in to see what’s up. What I found was Beatrice reviewing the new menu with her staff before her “grand re-opening” this week. I got a sneak peek and I have to say it looks pretty good; those of you who are vegetarians (as I am) can anticipate a wider selection of entrees. I have been promised that Tomatoes Provencal will be in the offering. (If you have not had this dish, try it. It is wonderful!) Who will be preparing these gustatory delights you ask? A chef from none other than La Ripaille: a very nice French Provincial Restaurant in the West Village.

Casa Mon Amour French Bistro
162 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

The “new and improved” Casa Mon Amour should be up and running in earnest tomorrow, September 3rd. Check it out!

Miss Heather

UPDATE 9/3/08: Here’s a working menu!


  • Soup Du Jour
  • Goat cheese with baby leaves salad
  • Camembert a la Lyonnaise, a breaded camembert served on a bed of greens
  • Medley of sauteed mushrooms


  • Shell steak au naturel with a choice of Peppercorn or blue cheese sauce
  • Lamb chops grilled with Rosemary
  • Chicken breast wrapped in bacon and cooked in a brown sauce with herbs of Provence
  • Tilapia in a lemon butter with a touch of cream
  • Large shrimps sauteed in parsely and garlic butter


  • Ratatouille
  • Fresh Vegetable
  • Gratin Dauphinois
  • French Fries


  • Tarte Tatin
  • Mousse au chocolat
  • Creme Brulee
  • Gateau Mon Amour ( our signature cheesecake)
  • Cheese and charcuterie platter….

Long Island City Photos du Jour: Mobility

September 2, 2008 ·
Filed under: Long Island City 

Court Square, Long Island City.

Waterfront, Long Island City.

Is this life imitating art or vice versa? Either way it gives me the creeps.

Miss Heather

Great Moments In Real Estate Advertising: BEAT Schermerhorn

September 2, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Crazy People, Greenpoint Magic 

You know times are tough when a development in downtown Brooklyn sees fit to (illegally?) advertise on a construction fence on McGuinness Boulevard. Repeatedly.

I prefer not to “be”; I am.”be@shermerhorn” appeals to shit talkers; I talk shit. Literally. Nonetheless I know a crap hole neighborhood when I see one and Schermerhorn REEKS! Corcoran should retool their marketing strategy accordingly:

  • Be ready to visit your friends in jail and bail them out!
  • Be ready to go to jail. Let Schermerhorn be your “home away from home”. We’ll leave the light on for you!

Be At Schermerhorn!

I think I’ll stay in Greenpoint, thank you very much. I mean, how can a gal resist a balcony with a view like this!

I have always loved the smell of gasoline and automotive exhaust!

Looking at an Exxon Station day after day makes me feel, well, DIRTY

in a uniquely Greenpoint kind of way. Screw you Schermerhorn! I’m staying in Stinkpoint!

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: American Dies

September 2, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

From Provost Street.

Miss Heather

Labor Day At The Nature Walk

September 2, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bum Shit, Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Other Shit 

Most New Yorkers like to go out of town over Labor Day weekend. I don’t; I stay home and savor the silence. I sojourned to City Island on Saturday and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on Sunday.* When I got up yesterday morning, Labor Day, I asked myself:

What do I want to do today?

My “little voice” said:

Go to the park!

I have learned to trust my “little voice”. So I threw on some shorts and sunblock and proceeded to the closest park: the Newtown Creek Nature Walk. I was hoping to find a discarded rubber or get some nice photographs of the skyline. I was disappointed in regards to the previous but I got the latter…

(I am contributing a big phat juicy print of this to the Greenpoint 100!) and more.

Someone clearly experienced some serious gastronomical distress and saw fit to use the Nature Walk as a toilet. He (or she) is neither the first nor the last person to use Greenpoint in such a manner: Newtown Creek is the pissoir for the masses. When some jocular he-man ties off a used rubber in Murray Hill and flushes it down the toilet… guess who gets it? We do! Go Team Greenpoint!

Thank you, cum again!

But I digress…

I am guessing the above stick was employed as a primitive form of toilet paper. After taking the above photograph (using my cell phone to establish a sense of scale) I discovered a number of other revolting things at the Nature Walk. I carefully documented them and called the “authorities”. Hilarity ensued.

I initially planned to do a series of “a minute in (insert neighborhood/place here)”. But after experiencing this level of ASS** I decided a comparison of Gantry Park (in luxury waterfront condoville, Long Island City) and the Nature Walk (in decidedly NOT luxury waterfront condoville, Greenpoint) would be a more appropriate use of this footage. The lesson here (as best as I can comprehend it) is: if a neighborhood acquiesces to having an ENORMOUS luxury enclave on her waterfront (READ: Long Island City) said residents get a nice park. Otherwise, you can eat look at shit.

Miss Heather

*Save a rather rancorous post about Sarah “June Cleaver/Coupon Clipper” Palin getting the Vice Presidential nomination. I felt sort of bad about calling her a “bimbo” so I Googled “alaska” “bimbo” “v.p.” Here’s what I found:

Clearly I was not alone when I made the assessment that Ms. Palin is, in fact, a bimbo. Nonetheless my inner feminist was upset. She asked me:

Would you have called Sarah Palin a bimbo if she was not a woman?

My answer:

Yes. We, as a nation, got our first bhimbo for Veep in 1988. His name was Dan Quayle.

And with that reply my “inner feminist” vanished in a puff of logic.

I was delighted to learn that Ms. Palin is against sex education. What could school possibly teach her daughter Bristol? It is pretty clear that Bristie pulled herself up by her own boot straps and figured out the fundamental mechanics on her own (with a little help from a friend). Now she is going to be a teenage mother! Bristol “Jamie Lynn Spears” Palin should be teaching the rest of us!

**The man on the phone asked what county this was in. After some hesitation I said “Kings” (Newtown Creek does, after all, straddle two: Kings and Queens). Then he asked me what FUCKING CITY I lived in! I said Greenpoint. Then I pointed out that Greenpoint is part of Brooklyn. And Brooklyn is part of New York City. At one point my polite (if utterly useless) phone pal apologized and confessed he was in the Adirondacks had no knowledge of New York City geography. With civil servants like this who needs enemies?

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: More Che On Clay

September 1, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

For those of you who are keeping track there are now two likenesses of Mr. Guevara on Clay Street.

Miss Heather

Happy Labor Day From New York Shitty!

September 1, 2008 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.

Anyone care to guess who this comes from? Here’s a hint.

Miss Heather

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