Bushwick Photos du Jour: The Rock
Filed under: Bushwick
I have seen a great number of unusual things while walking around Bushwick. Now I can add this one to the list.
A plaid rock.
Those of you who want to check this out in person (and it is rather nifty*) should head down to the intersection of Evergreen Avenue and George Street.
You’ll find it by the entrance of Citi Towing.
Miss Heather
*I wonder if Ms. Genutis will follow up with an argyle one? I can only hope so!
Greenpoint Photos du Jour: Juxtaposition
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic
From Manhattan Avenue.
Miss Heather
Now that I have your attention I am pleased to pass along a very unique dating opportunity. Are you tired of men who are too damned choosy? You know who I am talking about: the kind of guy who sports a little more in the middle (or a little less on the top) but insists upon dating no “fatties” or “uglies”? Well, I have found a gentleman who has not only dispensed with such shallowness, but he knows exactly what he wants.
His name is “Motorcycle Johnson” and this is his personal ad. It can be found on Broadway under the J & M train. I realized the above type is a little difficult to read, so you can either click on the above image to view larger one or read the following transcription of Mr. Johnson’s dream girl:
6000 motorcycle sextant inversion method on Friday. Cream cheese-sea-time fourteen isn’t elevator elevator sometimes otherwise not fuck. Twelve. Boring. Fixed anyone? Barbary glabber, sevezno aptitude. WHY NOT?!
If this sounds like you please shoot Mr. Johnson an email as soon as possible. As you can see he already has a few takers.
Good luck!
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Everything’s Coming Up Roses
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic
From McGuinness Boulevard.
Miss Heather
Bed Stuy Photo du Jour: Beware Of Dog
Filed under: Bed-Stuy
I encountered this petite pup on Decatur Street today. As it would happen a next door neighbor was out front so I asked her what the deal was with him (or her). She told me she didn’t remember why the woman tethered this “guard dog” (which appears to be a German Shepherd) to her stoop, but it has been there for “at least a year”.
Miss Heather
Today I was feeling adventurous so I headed down to Bedford Stuyvesant. Entirely on foot. I selected Humboldt Street to get me south of the BQE. It was shortly after passing Richardson Street I noticed this.
Lest you are wondering, this site is where one of my neighborhood’s many finger buildings is being erected. It is located just around the corner from The Luminous. I like to call it “the brown finger”. I’ll leave it to your imagination why.
I’m not too sure what the purpose of these “little houses” are. Perhaps they are the affordable housing component of this development? Maybe the brown finger spawned and these little houses will grow up to become more fingers? Maybe they are supposed to be art of some kind? If it is the latter most, the “cuteness” factor (and they are cute in a strange kind of way) is undermined by the rather tall institutional gray fence which resembles a series of cattle guards placed perpendicular to the ground.
Miss Heather
Manhattan Photo du Jour: Empower Jim Power
Filed under: Area 51
I was a little disheartened when I saw these posters peppered around the East Village recently, as I have long been a fan of these beautifully decorated posts. Any and all wishing to learn more about these delightfully quirky mosaics, the man who created them and what can be done to help preserve them should check out Empower Jim Power by clicking here.
On that note, dear readers, I am knocking off for a while. Summer is almost over and I have no intention of letting beautiful day such as this one go to waste by sitting in front of a computer!
Miss Heather
Filed under: Williamsburg
This Saturday, August 23, the Williamsburg Church will be conducting blood drive from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on or near Jackson Street (between Humboldt and Graham Avenue or Graham Avenue at Jackson Street, it has not been decided). Those of you who are interested in donating blood should hop on the B43 or take the L train to Graham Avenue, head towards Skillman and “look for the New York Blood Services bus”. I have been assured they will use more conventional methods of drawing blood than the one depicted in this post.
Miss Heather
Southside Photo du Jour: Flags
Filed under: Williamsburg
From South 5th Street.
Miss Heather
My Trip Up Shit Creek: Part Deux
Filed under: Asshole, Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic, Long Island City, Other Shit, Queens, Williamsburg
I learned a funny thing yesterday. A “friend” will invite you on a boat ride of Newtown Creek. He will later even laud the photographs and the footage you shot. That is, until some person at Channel 13 (who hired said boat and seems to think all the intellectual/creative property gathered from it is his) raises a stink:
Hey Heather,
I’m glad you enjoyed the trip on Newtown Creek the other day. I’m not sure if we officially met but I know you talked to my associate Daniel. I’m writing because I was checking out your blog and I noticed you’d posted several videos of the trip. I don’t mean to be any sort of stickler but it makes me a little uncomfortable to have other people reporting on the same thing which I hired a boat to capture. I don’t have any problem with you posting photos or stories about the trip but the video just happens to be exactly why we were there and sort of crosses lines of exclusivity. So, let me profusely apologize for having to ask but I would really appreciate it if you would take the videos down.
So, my other question would be how you knew about the trip. I didn’t have any problem with people coming out with us as long as they were out of the way but no one told me we should be expecting guests so I don’t really know how that came about.
Anyway, sorry again. If you’d like to chat about it, feel free to give me a call or email back.
Thanks much,
I’m not a chatty kind of gal. Just ask my parents. I rarely answer the phone, much less pick it up and call some condescending chap who wants to “chat” about why my seven minutes of film footage does not undermine his “vision”.
Dear old dad taught me a few things about anger management, albeit accidentally. One of them was I can channel anger in a constructive manner whose effect, in turn, is actually quite the opposite: destructive. Call what I am about to do passive/aggressive or one of life’s little ethical loopholes and/or gray areas. Call it whatever you want. Sure, I yanked the “video” showcasing said “exclusive material” —and I replaced it with another one. This. Now I am bringing back the original.
Pa Heather, this one goes out to you. You know better than anyone that no one can make me shut up.
Miss Heather
P.S.: I’m not taking this one down. If the peeps at Channel 13 have some special interest in publicly humiliating my husband (or training him to recycle correctly) I want a piece of the action. Simple as that.
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